Compiling Overview
Perhaps you want to have encrypted .pck files, tweak the engine for performance or size, make some specific modifications you need, or maybe just want the most stable version of the project. Despite what some people may think, compiling Godot or GodotSteam from scratch is actually pretty easy. Here we have instructions on how to compile:
- GodotSteam Module for Godot 2, 3, 4
- GodotSteam GDExtension for Godot 4
- GodotSteam GDNative for Godot 3
- GodotSteam MultiplayerPeer for Godot 4
- GodotSteam Server Module for Godot 3, 4
Currently we do not have specific documentation for the Server GDExtension nor GDNative but you can use the normal GDExtension or GDNative compiling docs in tandem with the Server compiling docs to get the desired result.