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Networking Types

Miscellaneous types and functions used by networking APIs. These are part of the newer networking classes; not to be confused with the older, now-deprecated Networking class.

These Networking Type functions are all unique to GodotSteam since we cannot work with C++ structs directly in GDscript. These will create networking identities to use with Networking Messages, Networking Sockets, and Networking Utils classes. Much like how it works in a C++ implementation, the struct must be created (with either addIdentity or addIPAddress) then it must be populated with data (Steam ID, IP address, etc.).

For more information on using Networking Types for Networking Messages, look over the on_network_messages_session_request function in the Networking Tutorial to understand the flow of addIdentity, setIdentitySteamID64, & acceptSessionWithUser before you call your Networking Messages functions.

Only available in the main GodotSteam branches and GodotSteam Server branches

This class no longer exists in GodotSteam as of versions 3.25 / 4.8



addIdentity( string reference_name )

Create a new network identity struct and store it for use. When this network identity is used in other functions, you will always use the reference_name to use this struct.

You will have to set the IP, Steam ID, string, or bytes with other functions below otherwise the identity is invalid.

Returns: bool


addIPAddress( string refrence_name )

Add a new IP address struct and store it for use. When this networking IP address is used in other functions, you will always use the reference_name to use this struct.

Returns: bool


clearIPAddress( string reference_name )

IP Address - Set everything to zero. E.g. [::]:0.

Returns: void


clearIdentity( string reference_name )

Clear a network identity's data.

Returns: void


getGenericBytes( string reference_name )

Returns null if not generic bytes type.

Returns: uint8


getGenericString( string reference_name )

Returns null if not generic string type.

Returns: string



Get a list of all known network identities.

Returns: array

Contains a list of:

  • this_identity (dictionary)
    • reference_name (string)
    • steam_id (uint64_t)
    • type (int)


getIdentityIPAddr( string reference_name )

Returns null if we are not an IP address.

Returns: uint32


getIdentitySteamID( string reference_name )

Return back a Steam ID32 or 0 if identity is not a Steam ID.

Returns: uint32


getIdentitySteamID64( string reference_name )

Returns 0 if identity is not a Steam ID.

Returns: uint64_t



Get a list of all IP address structs and their names.

Returns: array

Contains a list of:

  • this_address (dictionary)
    • reference_name (string)
    • localhost (bool)
    • ip_address (uint32)


getIPv4( string reference_name )

Returns IP in host byte order (e.g. as 0xaabbccdd). Returns 0 if IP is not mapped IPv4.

Returns: uint32


getPSNID( string reference_name )

Retrieve this identity's Playstation Network ID.

Returns: uint64


getStadiaID( string reference_name )

Retrieve this identity's Google Stadia ID.

Returns: uint64


getXboxPairwiseID( string reference_name )

Retrieve this identity's XBox pair ID.

Returns: string


isAddressLocalHost( string reference_name )

Return true if this identity is localhost. (Either IPv6 ::1, or IPv4

Returns: bool


isIdentityInvalid( string reference_name )

Return true if we are the invalid type. Does not make any other validity checks (e.g. is SteamID actually valid).

Returns: bool


isIdentityLocalHost( string reference_name )

Return true if this identity is localhost.

Returns: bool


isIPv4( string reference_name )

Return true if IP is mapped IPv4.

Returns: bool


isIPv6AllZeros( string reference_name )

Return true if the IP is ::0. (Doesn't check port.).

Returns: bool


parseIPAddressString( string reference_name )

Parse an IP address and optional port. If a port is not present, it is set to 0. (This means that you cannot tell if a zero port was explicitly specified.).

Returns: string


parseIdentityString( string reference_name )

Parse back a string that was generated using ToString. If we don't understand the string, but it looks "reasonable" (it matches the pattern type:<type-data> and doesn't have any funky characters, etc), then we will return true, and the type is set to k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_UnknownType (0). False will only be returned if the string looks invalid.

Returns: string


setGenericBytes( string reference_name, uint8 data )

Returns false if invalid size.

Returns: bool


setIdentityIPAddr( string reference_name, string ip_address_name )

Set to specified IP:port.

Returns: bool


setIdentityLocalHost( string reference_name )

Set to localhost. (We always use IPv6 ::1 for this, not

Returns: void


setIdentitySteamID( string reference_name, uint32 steam_id )

Set a 32-bit Steam ID.

Returns: void


setIdentitySteamID64( string reference_name, uint64_t steam_id )

Takes SteamID as raw 64-bit number.

Returns: void


setGenericString( string reference_name, string this_string )

Returns false if invalid length.

Returns: bool


setPSNID( string reference_name, uint64_t psn_id )

Set the Playstation Network ID for this identity.

Returns: void


setStadiaID( string reference_name, uint64_t stadia_id )

Set the Google Stadia ID for this identity.

Returns: void


setXboxPairwiseID( string reference_name, string xbox_id )

Set the Xbox Pairwise ID for this identity.

Returns: bool


toIdentityString( string reference_name )

Print to a human-readable string. This is suitable for debug messages or any other time you need to encode the identity as a string. It has a URL-like format type:<type-data>. Your buffer should be at least k_cchMaxString (128) bytes big to avoid truncation.

Returns: void


toIPAddressString( string reference_name, bool with_port )

Print to a string, with or without the port. Mapped IPv4 addresses are printed as dotted decimal (, otherwise this will print the canonical form according to RFC5952. If you include the port, IPv6 will be surrounded by brackets, e.g. [::1:2]:80. Your buffer should be at least k_cchMaxString (128) bytes to avoid truncation.

Returns: string


setIPv4( string reference_name, uint32 ip, uint16 port )

Sets to IPv4 mapped address. IP and port are in host byte order.

Returns: void


setIPv6( string reference_name, uint8 ipv6, uint16 port )

Set IPv6 address. IP is interpreted as bytes, so there are no endian issues. (Same as inaddr_in6.) The IP can be a mapped IPv4 address.

Returns: void


setIPv6LocalHost( string reference_name, uint16 port )

Set to the IPv6 localhost address ::1, and the specified port.

Returns: void