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GDNative Change-Log

A history of all changes to the gdnative branch.

Version 3.26

  • Added: missing user_achievement_icon_fetched callback
  • Added: new functions to Apps class
  • Added: new Steam Timeline class functions
  • Added: new functions to UGC class
  • Changed: updated for Steamworks SDK 1.60
  • Changed: network_messages_session_failed callback now returns the Steam ID associated with the user whose session failed
  • Changed: global_stats_received had call result name change under-the-hood, does not affect anything
  • Changed: sendMessages() now returns the message result
  • Changed: getQueryUGCResult() now passes back additional value total_files_size
  • Changed: item_installed signal now returns additional data - legacy_content and manifest_id
  • Fixed: incorrect signal name for inventory_definition_update, thanks to Foxushka

Version 3.25

  • Added: Steam Matchmaking response handlers, thanks to jeremybeier
  • Added: all missing Messages and Sockets constants
  • Changed: Networking Messages, Sockets, and Utils now use Steam IDs instead of identity system
  • Changed: cleaned up addItemPreviewFile(), check_file_signature, and showGamepadTextInput()
  • Changed: various bits and pieces
  • Changed: IP logic for all related functions
  • Changed: addFavoriteGame(), initiateGameConnection(), terminateGameConnection(), and removeFavoriteGame() now take strings for IP
  • Changed: getAuthSessionTicket() now defaults to 0 for Steam ID
  • Changed: IP address now accepted instead of IP references
  • Fixed: getFriendCount() has correct bit-wise value
  • Fixed: server browser functionality, thanks to jeremybeier
  • Fixed: wrong string IP conversions, thanks to jeremybeier
  • Fixed: server list request filters, thanks to jeremybeier
  • Fixed: playerDetails(), requestFavoritesServerList(), requestInternetServerList(), requestSpectatorServerList(), requestFriendsServerList(), requestHistoryServerList(), and pingServer(), thanks to jeremybeier
  • Fixed: regressions caused by minor update
  • Removed: Networking Types identity system and related bits
  • Removed: P2P Networking constants as they are duplicates of the P2PSend enum
  • Removed: previous, non-functioning Matchmaking Server call results
  • Removed: getIdentity() as it is redundant now

Version 3.24

  • Changed: createBrowser now accepts empty strings like the godot3 branch
  • Changed: minor organizational things, variable naming, etc.
  • Changed: getItemPrice() now returns base price and price, thanks to SlejmUr
  • Fixed: missing info_flags key in getSessionConnectionInfo(), thanks to SlejmUr
  • Fixed: requestClanOfficerList() using wrong SDK call
  • Fixed: issues with getResultItems()
  • Fixed: addRequestLobbyListDistanceFilter()
  • Fixed: getServerDetails() not sending back needed struct, thanks to SlejmUr
  • Fixed: regressions in receiveMessagesOnChannel(), receiveMessagesOnConnection(), and receiveMessagesOnPollGroup()
  • Fixed: getConnectionRealTimeStatus() checking the wrong value, thanks to tamper2
  • Fixed: missing cast on setSize()
  • Fixed: addRequiredTagGroup() backported from godot3 branch
  • Removed: unused internal variables

Version 3.23.1

  • Added: internal notes about where enums are found
  • Added: minor extra helper functions from Steam's client header
  • Added: getSteamID32() function to convert SteamID64 to SteamID
  • Changed: replaced deprecated Controller struct with Inputs struct in getDigitalActionData()
  • Changed: in-editor docs
  • Changed: leaderboard details max now set at highest instead of zero by default
  • Fixed: incorrect constant for PUBLISHED_FILE_UPDATE_HANDLE_INVALID
  • Fixed: getAllLobbyData() sending back all pairs, thanks to freehuntx

Version 3.23

  • Added: two new Friends class constants
  • Added: new function dismissGamepadTextInput()
  • Added: new general constant ACCOUNT_ID_INVALID
  • Removed: App Lists class functions, callbacks, etc. due to SDK 1.59 changes

Version 3.22.4

  • Added: missing k_nSteamNetworkingSend_AutoRestartBrokenSession to constants
  • Added: two missing Input constants: INPUT_HANDLE_ALL_CONTROLLERS and INPUT_MAX_ACTIVE_LAYERS
  • Changed: getInputTypeForHandle() now returns int / enum instead of string for device models
  • Changed: order of constants to be alphabetic
  • Changed: changed returned variable name to need_to_accept_tos in item_updated callback

Version 3.22.3

  • Changed: moved constants to separate file like in Godot 4.x branches
  • Fixed: requestClanOfficerList() using wrong internal function, thanks to sepTN

Version 3.22.2

  • Changed: reverted steamInit() and steamInitEx() as new methods won't work with GDNative
  • Removed: all enums as they cannot be used in GDNative

Version 3.22.1

  • Added: two new arguments to steamInit() and steamInitEx() to set your app ID and run_callbacks interally, thanks to GreenFox
  • Fixed: issue with callback that caused compiling failure in Linux

Version 3.22

  • Added: two Music class callbacks
  • Changed: generateItems(), exchangeItems(), getItemsByID(), and startPurchase() all list-based arguments are now PoolIntArrays
  • Changed: getItemsByID() now takes one argument, counts the elements in the passed array instead
  • Changed: getItemsWithPrices() no longer requires any arguments passed to it
  • Changed: in-editor docs have been updated
  • Fixed: getResultItems() now returns all item data
  • Fixed: missing DEFVAL for steamInitEx()
  • Fixed: Joy Con name in getInputTypeForHandle()
  • Removed: getNumItemsWithPrices() as it was unnecessary

Version 3.21.3

  • Fixed: requestEquippedProfileItems() was missing method bind, thanks to BOTLANNER
  • Fixed: get_ticket_for_web_api callback for getting actual ticket buffer, thanks to dicarne
  • Fixed: compiler complaining about comparison between Steam enum and GodotSteam enum for steamInitEx()
  • Fixed: getListenSocketAddress() fixed to provide the actual address and optional port
  • Changed: createBrowser() now sends proper NULL when empty string passed
  • Changed: html_browser_ready from callback to proper call result
  • Changed: cast handle in setSize() as Steam HHTMLBrowser
  • Removed: unnecessary steam_appid.txt from zips in Github Actions

Version 3.21.2

  • Fixed: missing descriptions for some in-editor functions/signals
  • Fixed: receiveMessagesOnChannel(), receiveMessagesOnPollGroup(), and receiveMessagesOnConnection() had overwriting dictionary keys

Version 3.21

  • Added: new enums and constant related to new Steam initialization function
  • Added: new enums for NetworkingConfigValue
  • Added: new intialization function steamInitEx() that is more verbose
  • Added: new UGC function getUserContentDescriptorPreferences(0
  • Added: new Remote Play function startRemotePlayTogether()
  • Changed: UGC functionsetItemTags() to have new argument for admin tags
  • Changed: compatible with Steamworks SDK 1.58

Version 3.20.1

  • Fixed: wrong variant type for join_requested

Version 3.20

  • Added: steamShutdown() to allow Steamworks to be manually shutdown
  • Added: requestEquippedProfileItems() function and equipped_profile_items callback
  • Added: Steam Deck as Steam Input type
  • Changed: all enums are now directly linked to their SDK counterparts
  • Changed: getDigitalActionData() returned keys are now state and active
  • Changed: names of some Steam enums to be cleaner and leaner
  • Changed: getAppInstallDir() now returns dictionary with absolute path and install size
  • Fixed: missing function argument binds
  • Removed: enums that are not in the SDK but Valve's docs

Version 3.6.2

  • Added: new Input callback input_gamepad_slot_change
  • Added: new User callback get_ticket_for_web_api
  • Added: new User function getAuthTicketForWebApi()
  • Fixed: lobby_match_list callback, but no sends the lobby count along with the lobby list array (only in GDNative due to weird GDNative bug)
  • Changed: getAuthSessionTicket() argument is now optional, defaults to NULL

Version 3.6.1

  • Added: new return values for overlay_toggled; this will break compatibility with this
  • Added: new UGC functions removeContentDescriptor(), addContentDescriptor(), and getQueryUGCContentDescriptors()
  • Added: new signal filter_text_dictionary_changed
  • Changed: getAuthSessionTicket() now uses networking identities
  • Changed: gamepad_text_input_dismissed now passes back the app ID
  • Changed: Steam Input max analog and digital actions values
  • Fixed: lobby_match_list callback, but it now passes back the lobby count too
  • Removed: ERegisterActivationCodeResult due to removal in SDK

Version 3.6

  • Changed: brought the plug-in version up to speed with the module version

Version 3.5.1

  • Changed: createSteamID() function to use proper 64-bit int
  • Changed: brought the plug-in version up to speed with the module version
  • Changed: output from subscribe_item, unsubscribe_item file_id to uint64_t
  • Fixed: some new compiling quirks
  • Removed: setIdentitySteamID() and getIdentitySteamID()

Version 3.5

  • Fixed: incorrect type for getAppListBuildId()

Version 3.4.1

  • Fixed: OSX naming of DyLib files

Version 3.4

  • Added: setDLCContext(), getProfileItemPropertyString(), getProfileItemPropertyInt(), hasEquippedProfileItem(), getPublicIP(), getPSNID(), getStadiaID(), getXboxPairwiseID() functions
  • Added: handle arguments to HTML Surface class functions
  • Added: inventory handle arguments to Inventory class functions
  • Added: networking identity references into new Networking class functions
  • Added: equipped_profile_items_changed, equipped_profile_items callbacks
  • Added: additional data types to signals
  • Changed: many functions in Networking Sockets and Networking Types classes
  • Changed: newtorking identity maps
  • Changed: various argument names to fall in line with module version
  • Changed: renamed some signals
  • Fixed: serverInit(), advertiseGame() functions
  • Fixed: getSessionID() using wrong type in Remote Play class
  • Fixed: various incorrect types in Screenshots class
  • Fixed: wrong int type for inventory update handle
  • Fixed: not casting app ID for addFavoriteGame()
  • Fixed: wrong int type for server ID in getLobbyGameServer()
  • Removed: requestAllProofOfPurchaseKeys(), requestAppProofOfPurchaseKey() functions and related callbacks
  • Removed: leading dash from signal / callback function names

Version 3.3

  • Added: missing D_METHOD to all functions, should show the right argument names in-editor
  • Added: Input origin enums for PS5 and Steam Deck
  • Added: Input Types, Input Glyph Style, Input Glyph Size, and Input Configuration Enable Type enums
  • Added: getConnectionRealTimeStatus(), configureConnectionLanes(), connectP2PCustomSignaling(), receivedP2PCustomSignal(), getCertificateRequest(), setCertificate(), resetIdentity(), runNetworkingCallbacks(), beginAsyncRequestFakeIP(), getFakeIP(), createListenScoketP2PFakeIP(), getRemoveFakeIPForConnection(), and createFakeUDPPort() functions and callback to NetworkingSockets class
  • Added: dismissFloatingGamepadTextInput() function to Utils class
  • Added: setTimeCreatedDateRange() and setTimeUpdatedDateRange() to UGC class
  • Added: NetworkingeDebugOutputType enums for NetworkingUtils
  • Added: missing constant binds for Server API, OverlayToWebPageMode
  • Added: server branch merged in
  • Fixed: minor compiler warnings
  • Fixed: empty file hash being returned by file_details_result callback
  • Fixed: a variety of small bugs and possible crashes, thanks to qarmin
  • Fixed: missing binds for getFriendsGroupName(), getFriendsGroupMembersList(), getFriendsGroupIDByIndex(), getFriendsGroupCount(), getFriendMessage(), getFriendCoplayTime(), getFriendCoplayGame(), getCoplayFriendCount(), getCoplayFriend(), getClanTag(), getClanName(), getClanCount(), getClanChatMessage(), getClanByIndex(), getClanActivityCounts(), fileWriteAsync(), fileWriteStreamCancel(), fileWriteStreamClose(), fileWriteStreamOpen(), fileWriteStreamWriteChunk(), getCachedUGCCount(), getUGCDownloadProgress(), getUGCDetails(), fileReadAsync(), getOPFSettings(), getOPFStringForApp(), getVideoURL(), isBroadcasting() functions
  • Fixed: setPNGIcon() and updateCurrentEntryCoverArt() in Music Remote class
  • Fixed: missing getUGCDetails() and getUGCDownloadProgress() functions
  • Changed: spacing in default arguments in [godotsteam.h]
  • Changed: updated doc_class file for in-editor documentation
  • Changed: updated to Steamworks 1.53
  • Changed: lobby_data_update, removed lobby data queries as they should be done manually
  • Changed: minor tweaks under-the-hood
  • Changed: various generic 'int' to their actual types
  • Changed: renamed servers and server stats to game server and game server stats respectively, to match SDK
  • Changed: SteamNetworkingQuickConnectionStatus to SteamNetConnectionRealTimeStatus_t per Steamworks SDK 1.53, causes a break in previous GodotSteam versions
  • Changed: getConfigValueInfo(), removed name and next value from return dictionary as they are no longer passed by function in SDK 1.53
  • Changed: rearranged functions in godotsteam.cpp class binds to match [godotsteam.h] order
  • Changed: enum constant binds to match [godotsteam.h] enum order
  • Removed: unused callback new_launch_query_parameters, broadcast_upload_start, broadcast_upload_stop
  • Removed: allocateMessage() as it shouldn't be used solo
  • Removed: getQuickConnectionStatus() and getFirstConfigValue() as they were removed from SDK 1.53
  • Removed: setDebugOutputFunction() from Networking Utils
  • Removed: unused structs
  • Removed: SteamGameServer_RunCallbacks function

Version 3.2

  • Added: new helper functions for newer networking classes, translations for steamnetworkingtypes
  • Changed: now works in Godot 3.4
  • Fixed: various compiler warnings

Version 3.1.1

  • Removed: not logged in as a failure condition for steamInit()

Version 3.1**

  • Added: various Steam Deck specific functions, thanks to EIREXE
  • Added: new AppLists class of functions and callbacks
  • Added: new or missing App functions, callbacks, and enums
  • Added: OverlayToWebPageMode enum and unread_chat_messages_changed callback for Friends class
  • Added: new Input functions and callbacks
  • Added: new Parental Settings fuctions, callback, and enums
  • Added: new Remote Storage functions, callback, and enums
  • Added: new UGC functions, callbacks, and enum
  • Added: memory allocation corrections
  • Changed: updated various Input class functions
  • Changed: lots of argument names internally, has no effect on usage
  • Fixed: some enum names
  • Fixed: various server list filter functions in Matchmaking Servers class
  • Fixed: getGameCoordinatorServerLogin() in Networking Sockets class
  • Removed: receiveRelayAuthTicket(), findRelayAuthTicketForServer(), getHostedDedicatedServerAddress(), and getGameCoordinatorServerLogin() as they rely on datagram header that was removed from base SDK
  • Removed: second call for steam_api.h in godotsteam.cpp

Version 3.0.1**

  • Fixed: two issues with godotsteam.cpp that causes compiling error on Linux

Version 3.0.0**

  • Added: all missing functions to bring GDNative version in-line with module version
  • Changed: rebuilt and restructured layout of project folder
  • Removed: enums as they don't work in GDNative
  • Removed: default arguments for functions as they don't work in GDNative

Version 2.1.0**

  • Added: Steamworks P2P functions thanks to Antokolos

Version 2.0.0**

  • Added: all current GodotSteam functions and signals
  • Added: [godotsteam.h] file
  • Changed: compile process; thanks to willnationsdev
  • Changed: various parts of the CPP files
  • Removed: pre-compiled TSCN and TRES files

Version 1.1.0**

  • Added: [godotsteam.h] file
  • Added: getCurrentGameLanguage()
  • Added: Pre-compiled engines and templates for Linux, Mac, and Windows
  • Added: change log to documentation
  • Changed: various parts of the CPP files
  • Changed: minor things in godotsteam.cpp
  • Removed: pre-compiled TSCN and TRES files

Version 1.0.0**

  • Added: most pre-existing GodotSteam code over
  • Added: GodotSteam GDNative documentation
  • Changed: SConstruct file from GDNative to support architecture recognition or accept bit arguement in SCONS
  • Bugs: Windows does not work for compiling yet, waiting for GDNative update