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User Stats

Provides functions for accessing and submitting stats, achievements, and leaderboards.

Only available in the main GodotSteam branches



attachLeaderboardUGC( uint64_t ugc_handle, uint64_t this_leaderboard )

If no this_leaderboard is passed, then the function will use the last internally-stored handle.

Attaches a piece of user generated content the current user's entry on a leaderboard.

This content could be a replay of the user achieving the score or a ghost to race against. The attached handle will be available when the entry is retrieved and can be accessed by other users using the leaderboard_scores_downloaded callback. To create and download user generated content see the documentation for the Steam Workshop.

Once attached, the content will be available even if the underlying Cloud file is changed or deleted by the user.

You must call findLeaderboard or findOrCreateLeaderboard to get a leaderboard handle prior to calling this function.

Triggers a leaderboard_ugc_set callback.

Returns: void

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clearAchievement( string name )

Resets the unlock status of an achievement.

This is primarily only ever used for testing.

You must have called requestCurrentStats and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this.

This call only modifies Steam's in-memory state so it is quite cheap. To send the unlock status to the server and to trigger the Steam overlay notification you must call storeStats.

Returns: bool

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downloadLeaderboardEntries( int start, int end, int type, uint64_t this_leaderboard )

If no leaderboard_handle is passed, then the function will use the last internally-stored handle.

Fetches a series of leaderboard entries for a specified leaderboard.

You can ask for more entries than exist, then this will return as many as do exist.

If you want to download entries for an arbitrary set of users, such as all of the users on a server then you can use downloadLeaderboardEntriesForUsers which takes an array of Steam IDs.

You must call findLeaderboard or findOrCreateLeaderboard to get a leaderboard handle prior to calling this function.

Triggers a leaderboard_scores_downloaded call result.

Returns: void

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


downloadLeaderboardEntriesForUsers( array users_id, uint64_t this_leaderboard )

If no leaderboard_handle is passed, then the function will use the last internally-stored handle.

Fetches leaderboard entries for an arbitrary set of users on a specified leaderboard.

A maximum of 100 users can be downloaded at a time, with only one outstanding call at a time. If a user doesn't have an entry on the specified leaderboard, they won't be included in the result.

If you want to download entries based on their ranking or friends of the current user then you should use downloadLeaderboardEntries.

You must call findLeaderboard or findOrCreateLeaderboard to get a leaderboard handle prior to calling this function.

Triggers a leaderboard_scores_downloaded callback.

Returns: void

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findLeaderboard( string name )

Gets a leaderboard by name.

You must call either this or findOrCreateLeaderboard to obtain the leaderboard handle which is valid for the game session for each leaderboard you wish to access prior to calling any other Leaderboard functions.

Triggers a leaderboard_find_result call result.

Returns: void

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findOrCreateLeaderboard( string name, int sort_method, int display_type )

Gets a leaderboard by name, it will create it if it's not yet created.

You must call either this or findLeaderboard to obtain the leaderboard handle which is valid for the game session for each leaderboard you wish to access prior to calling any other Leaderboard functions.

Leaderboards created with this function will not automatically show up in the Steam Community. You must manually set the Community Name field in the App Admin panel of the Steamworks website. As such it's generally recommended to prefer creating the leaderboards in the App Admin panel on the Steamworks website and using findLeaderboard unless you're expected to have a large amount of dynamically created leaderboards.

You should never pass 0 for sort_method or 0 for display_type as this is undefined behavior.

Triggers a leaderboard_find_result callback.

Returns: void

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getAchievement( string name )

Gets the unlock status of the Achievement.

The equivalent function for other users is getUserAchievement.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following keys:

  • ret (bool)
  • achieved (bool)

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getAchievementAchievedPercent( string name )

Returns the percentage of users who have unlocked the specified achievement.

You must have called requestGlobalAchievementPercentages and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following keys:

  • ret (bool)
  • percent (float)

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getAchievementAndUnlockTime( string name )

Gets the achievement status, and the time it was unlocked if unlocked.

If the return value is true, but the unlock time is zero, that means it was unlocked before Steam began tracking achievement unlock times (December 2009). The time is provided in Unix epoch format, seconds since January 1, 1970 UTC.

The equivalent function for other users is getUserAchievementAndUnlockTime.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following keys:

  • retrieve (bool)
  • achieved (bool)
  • unlocked (uint32)

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getAchievementDisplayAttribute( string name, string key )

Get general attributes for an achievement. Currently provides: Name, Description, and Hidden status.

This receives the value from a dictionary/map keyvalue store, so you must provide one of the following keys:

  • name - to retrive the localized achievement name in UTF8
  • desc - to retrive the localized achievement description in UTF8
  • hidden - for retrieving if an achievement is hidden. Returns "0" when not hidden, "1" when hidden

This localization is provided based on the games language if it's set, otherwise it checks if a localization is avilable for the users Steam UI Language. If that fails too, then it falls back to english.

Returns: string

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getAchievementIcon( string name )

Gets the icon for an achievement.

The image is returned as a handle to be used with getImageRGBA to get the actual image data.

Returns: int

See the Achievement Icons tutorial for an example.

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


getAchievementName( uint32_t achievement )

Gets the 'API name' for an achievement index between 0 and getNumAchievements.

This function must be used in conjunction with getNumAchievements to loop over the list of achievements.

In general games should not need these functions as they should have the list of achievements compiled into them.

Returns: string

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


getAchievementProgressLimitsFloat( string name )

For achievements that have related progress stats, use this to query what the bounds of that progress are. You may want this info to selectively call indicateAchievementProgress when appropriate milestones of progress have been made, to show a progress notification to the user.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following keys:

  • name (string)
  • min (float)
  • max (float)


getAchievementProgressLimitsInt( string name )

For achievements that have related progress stats, use this to query what the bounds of that progress are. You may want this info to selectively call indicateAchievementProgress when appropriate milestones of progress have been made, to show a progress notification to the user.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following keys:

  • name (string)
  • min (int32)
  • max (int32)


getGlobalStatFloat( string name )

Gets the lifetime totals for an aggregated stat.

You must have called requestGlobalStats and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this.

Returns: float

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


getGlobalStatInt( string name )

Gets the lifetime totals for an aggregated stat.

You must have called requestGlobalStats and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this.

Returns: uint64_t

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


getGlobalStatFloatHistory( string name )

Gets the daily history for an aggregated stat.

Returns: float

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getGlobalStatIntHistory( string name )

Gets the daily history for an aggregated stat.

Returns: uint64_t

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getLeaderboardDisplayType( uint64_t leaderboard_handle )

If no leaderboard_handle is passed, then the function will use the last internally-stored handle.

Get the display type of a leaderboard handle.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following keys:

  • result (int)
  • verbal (string)

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Get the currently used leaderboard entries.

Returns: array

Note: This is a GodotSteam specific function.


getLeaderboardEntryCount( uint64_t this_leaderboard )

If no leaderboard_handle is passed, then the function will use the last internally-stored handle.

Returns the total number of entries in a leaderboard.

This is cached on a per leaderboard basis upon the first call to findLeaderboard or findOrCreateLeaderboard and is refreshed on each successful call to downloadLeaderboardEntries, downloadLeaderboardEntriesForUsers, and uploadLeaderboardScore.

Returns: int

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getLeaderboardName( uint64_t this_leaderboard )

If no leaderboard_handle is passed, then the function will use the last internally-stored handle.

Returns the name of a leaderboard handle.

Returns: string

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getLeaderboardSortMethod( uint64_t this_leaderboard )

If no leaderboard_handle is passed, then the function will use the last internally-stored handle.

Get the sort order of a leaderboard handle. If no thisLeaderboard handle is passed, then the function will use the last stored internal handle.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following keys:

  • result (int)
  • verbal (string)

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Gets the info on the most achieved achievement for the game.

You must have called requestGlobalAchievementPercentages and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following keys: * rank (int) * name (string) * percent (float) * achieved (bool)

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


getNextMostAchievedAchievementInfo( int iterator )

Gets the info on the next most achieved achievement for the game.

You must have called requestGlobalAchievementPercentages and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following keys:

  • rank (int)
  • name (string)
  • percent (float)
  • achieved (bool)

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Get the number of achievements defined in the App Admin panel of the Steamworks website.

This is used for iterating through all of the achievements with getAchievementName.

In general games should not need these functions because they should have a list of existing achievements compiled into them.

Returns: uint32_t

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Asynchronously retrieves the total number of players currently playing the current game. Both online and in offline mode.

Triggers a number_of_current_players callback.

Returns: void

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getStatFloat( string name )

Gets the current value of the a stat for the current user.

You must have called requestCurrentStats and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this.

To receive stats for other users use getUserStatFloat.

Returns: float

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


getStatInt( string name )

Gets the current value of the a stat for the current user.

You must have called requestCurrentStats and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this.

To receive stats for other users use getUserStatInt.

Returns: int

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


getUserAchievement( uint64_t steam_id, string name )

Gets the unlock status of the Achievement.

The equivalent function for the local user is getAchievement.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following keys:

  • steam_id (uint64_t)
  • retrieved (bool)
  • name (string)
  • achieved (bool)

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


getUserAchievementAndUnlockTime( uint64_t steam_id, string name )

Gets the achievement status, and the time it was unlocked if unlocked.

If the return value is true, but the unlock time is zero, that means it was unlocked before Steam began tracking achievement unlock times (December 2009). The time is provided in Unix epoch format, seconds since January 1, 1970 UTC.

The equivalent function for the local user is getAchievementAndUnlockTime.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following keys:

  • retrieved (bool)
  • name (string)
  • achieved (bool)
  • unlocked (uint32)

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


getUserStatFloat( uint64_t steam_id, string name )

Gets the current value of the a stat for the specified user.

You must have called requestUserStats and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this.

The equivalent function for the local user is getStatFloat.

Returns: float.

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


getUserStatInt( uint64_t steam_id, string name )

Gets the current value of the a stat for the specified user.

You must have called requestUserStats and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this.

The equivalent function for the local user is getStatInt.

Returns: int

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


indicateAchievementProgress( string name, int currentProgress, int maxProgress )

Shows the user a pop-up notification with the current progress of an achievement.

Calling this function will not set the progress or unlock the achievement, the game must do that manually by calling setStatInt or setStatFloat.

Triggers a user_stats_stored callback.

Triggers a user_achievement_stored callback.

Returns: bool

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Asynchronously request the user's current stats and achievements from the server.

You must always call this first to get the initial status of stats and achievements. Only after the resulting callback comes back can you start calling the rest of the stats and achievement functions for the current user.

The equivalent function for other users is requestUserStats.

Triggers a current_stats_received callback.

Returns: bool

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Asynchronously fetches global stats data, which is available for stats marked as "aggregated" in the App Admin panel of the Steamworks website.

You must have called requestCurrentStats and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this.

Triggers a global_achievement_percentages_ready callback.

Returns: void

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


requestGlobalStats( int history_days )

Asynchronously fetches global stats data, which is available for stats marked as "aggregated" in the App Admin panel of the Steamworks website.

The limit is 60.

You must have called requestCurrentStats and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this.

Triggers a global_stats_received callback.

Returns: void

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


requestUserStats( uint64_t steam_id )

Asynchronously downloads stats and achievements for the specified user from the server.

These stats are not automatically updated; you'll need to call this function again to refresh any data that may have change. To keep from using too much memory, an least recently used cache (LRU) is maintained and other user's stats will occasionally be unloaded. When this happens a user_stats_unloaded callback is sent. After receiving this callback the user's stats will be unavailable until this function is called again.

The equivalent function for the local user is requestCurrentStats.

Triggers a user_stats_received callback.

Returns: void

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resetAllStats( bool achievements_too )

Resets the current users stats and, optionally achievements.

This automatically calls storeStats to persist the changes to the server. This should typically only be used for testing purposes during development. Ensure that you sync up your stats with the new default values provided by Steam after calling this by calling requestCurrentStats.

Returns: bool

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setAchievement( string name )

Unlocks an achievement.

You must have called requestCurrentStats and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this!

You can unlock an achievement multiple times so you don't need to worry about only setting achievements that aren't already set. This call only modifies Steam's in-memory state so it is quite cheap. To send the unlock status to the server and to trigger the Steam overlay notification you must call storeStats.

Returns: bool

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setLeaderboardDetailsMax( int max )

Set the maximum number of details to return for leaderboard entries.

Returns: int

The current leaderboard details max value. This can only go as high as k_cLeaderboardDetailsMax / 256.

Note: This is a GodotSteam specific function. It has been deprecated in GodotSteam 4.6.1.


setStatFloat( string name, float value )

Sets / updates the float value of a given stat for the current user.

You must have called requestCurrentStats and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this!

This call only modifies Steam's in-memory state and is very cheap. Doing so allows Steam to persist the changes even in the event of a game crash or unexpected shutdown. To submit the stats to the server you must call storeStats.

If this is returning false and everything appears correct, then check to ensure that your changes in the App Admin panel of the Steamworks website are published.

Returns: bool

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


setStatInt( string name, int32 value )

Sets / updates the integer value of a given stat for the current user.

You must have called requestCurrentStats and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this!

This call only modifies Steam's in-memory state and is very cheap. Doing so allows Steam to persist the changes even in the event of a game crash or unexpected shutdown. To submit the stats to the server you must call storeStats.

If this is returning false and everything appears correct, then check to ensure that your changes in the App Admin panel of the Steamworks website are published.

Returns: bool

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Send the changed stats and achievements data to the server for permanent storage.

If this fails then nothing is sent to the server. It's advisable to keep trying until the call is successful.

This call can be rate limited. Call frequency should be on the order of minutes, rather than seconds. You should only be calling this during major state changes such as the end of a round, the map changing, or the user leaving a server. This call is required to display the achievement unlock notification dialog though, so if you have called setAchievement then it's advisable to call this soon after that.

If you have stats or achievements that you have saved locally but haven't uploaded with this function when your application process ends then this function will automatically be called.

You can find additional debug information written to the %steam_install%\logs\stats_log.txt file.

Triggers a user_stats_stored callback.

Triggers a user_achievement_stored callback.

Returns: bool

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


updateAvgRateStat( string name, float this_session, double session_length )

Updates an AVGRATE stat with new values.

You must have called requestCurrentStats and it needs to return successfully via its callback prior to calling this!

This call only modifies Steam's in-memory state and is very cheap. Doing so allows Steam to persist the changes even in the event of a game crash or unexpected shutdown. To submit the stats to the server you must call storeStats.

If this is returning false and everything appears correct, then check to ensure that your changes in the App Admin panel of the Steamworks website are published.

Returns: bool

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


uploadLeaderboardScore( int32 score, bool keep_best, array details, uint64_t this_leaderboard )

If this_leaderboard is not passed, then the function will use the last internally-stored handle.

Uploads a user score to a specified leaderboard.

Details are optional game-defined information which outlines how the user got that score. For example if it's a racing style time based leaderboard you could store the timestamps when the player hits each checkpoint. If you have collectibles along the way you could use bit fields as booleans to store the items the player picked up in the playthrough.

Uploading scores to Steam is rate limited to 10 uploads per 10 minutes and you may only have one outstanding call to this function at a time.

Triggers a leaderboard_score_uploaded callback.

Returns: void

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These callbacks require you to run Steam.run_callbacks() in your _process() function to receive them.



Called when the latest stats and achievements for the local user have been received from the server; in response to function requestCurrentStats.


  • game (uint64_t)
  • result (uint32_t)
  • user (uint64_t) as Steam ID

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation



Called when the global achievement percentages have been received from the server.


  • game (uint64_t)
  • result (uint32_t)

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Called when the global stats have been received from the server.


  • game_id (uint64_t)
  • result (string)

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Result when finding a leaderboard.


  • leaderboard_handle (uint64_t)
  • found (uint8_t)

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Called when scores for a leaderboard have been downloaded and are ready to be retrieved.


  • message (string)
  • this_handle (uint64_t)
  • leaderboard_entries_array (array)
    • entry_dict (dictionary)
      • score (int)
      • steam_id (uint64_t)
      • global_rank (int)
      • ugc_handle (uint64_t)
      • details (array)

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Result indicating that a leaderboard score has been uploaded.


  • success (uint8)
  • this_handle (uint64_t)
  • this_score (dictionary)
    • score (int32)
    • score_changed (uint8)
    • global_rank_new (int)
    • global_rank_prev (int)

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Result indicating that user generated content has been attached to one of the current user's leaderboard entries.


  • leaderboard_handle (uint64_t)
  • result (string)

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Gets the current number of players for the current app ID.


  • success (uint8)
  • players (int32)

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Result of an achievement icon that has been fetched.


  • game_id (int)
  • achievement_name (string)
  • achieved (bool)
  • icon_handle (int)

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Result of a request to store the achievements on the server, or an "indicate progress" call. If both current progress and max progress are zero, that means the achievement has been fully unlocked.


  • game_id (uint64_t)
  • group_achieve (bool)
  • name (string)
  • current_progress (uint32_t)
  • max_progress (uint32_t)

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Called when the latest stats and achievements for a specific user (including the local user) have been received from the server.


  • game_id (uint64_t)
  • result (uint32_t)
  • user (uint64_t) as Steam ID

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Result of a request to store the user stats.


  • game_id (uint64_t)
  • result (uint32_t)

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Callback indicating that a user's stats have been unloaded. Call requestUserStats again before accessing stats for this user.


  • user (uint64_t) as Steam ID

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Enumerator Value


Enumerator Value


Enumerator Value


Enumerator Value


Enumerator Value