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Game Server

Only available in the GodotSteam Server branches



associateWithClan( uint64_t clan_id )

Associate this game server with this clan for the purposes of computing player compatibility.

Triggers a associate_clan callback.

Returns: void

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beginAuthSession( int auth_ticket, uint64_t steam_id )

Authenticate the ticket from the entity Steam ID to be sure it is valid and isn't reused. The ticket is created on the entity with getAuthSessionTicket and then needs to be provided over the network for the other end to validate. This registers for validate_auth_ticket_response callbacks if the entity goes offline or cancels the ticket. See EAuthSessionResponse for more information. When the multiplayer session terminates you must call endAuthSession.

Returns: int

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cancelAuthTicket( uint32 auth_ticket )

Cancel auth ticket from getAuthSessionTicket; called when no longer playing game with the entity you gave the ticket to.

Returns: void

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Call this to clear the whole list of key/values that are sent in rule queries.

Returns: void

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computeNewPlayerCompatibility( uint64_t steam_id )

Ask if any of the current players dont want to play with this new player - or vice versa. Triggers a player_compat callback.

Returns: void

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endAuthSession( uint64_t steam_id )

Stop tracking started by beginAuthSession; called when no longer playing game with this entity.

Returns: void

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Retrieve a authentication ticket to be sent to the entity who wishes to authenticate you. After calling this you can send the ticket to the entity where they can then call beginAuthSession to verify this entities integrity. When creating a ticket for use by the ISteamUserAuth/AuthenticateUserTicket Web API, the calling application should wait for the get_auth_session_ticket_response callback generated by the API call before attempting to use the ticket to ensure that the ticket has been communicated to the server. If this callback does not come in a timely fashion (10 - 20 seconds), then your client is not connected to Steam, and the AuthenticateUserTicket call will fail because it can not authenticate the user.

Triggers a get_auth_session_ticket_response callback.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following keys:

  • id (uint32_t)
  • buffer (PoolByteArray)
  • ticket_size (uint32_t)

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Gets a packet that the master server updater needs to send out on UDP when in GameSocketShare mode. GameSocketShare mode can be enabled when calling serverInit.

Note: This should only ever be called after calling handleIncomingPacket for any packets that came in that frame.

Note: This must be called repeatedly each frame until it returns 0 when in GameSocketShare mode.

Returns: dictionary

  • length (int)
  • out (PoolByteArray)
  • address (uint32)
  • port (uint16)

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Gets the public IP of the server according to Steam. This is useful when the server is behind NAT and you want to advertise its IP in a lobby for other clients to directly connect to.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following keys:

  • ipv4 (int)
  • ipv6 (int)
  • type (int)

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Gets the Steam ID of the game server.

Returns: uint64_t

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handleIncomingPacket( int packet, string ip, int port )

Handles a Steam master server packet when in GameSocketShare mode. When in GameSocketShare mode, instead of ISteamGameServer creating its own socket to talk to the master server on, it lets the game use its socket to forward messages back and forth. This prevents us from requiring server ops to open up yet another port in their firewalls. This should be called whenever a packet that starts with 0xFFFFFFFF comes in. That means it's for us. The IP and port parameters are used when you've elected to multiplex the game server's UDP socket rather than having the master server updater use its own sockets. Source engine games use this to simplify the job of the server admins, so they don't have to open up more ports on their firewalls. Only after calling this, you should call getNextOutgoingPacket. GameSocketShare mode can be enabled when calling serverInit or serverInitEx.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following key:

  • data (PoolByteArray)

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Status functions.

Returns: bool

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Begin process of logging game server out of Steam.

Triggers a server_connect_failure, server_connected, or server_disconnected callbacks.

Returns: void

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logOn( string token )

Begin process to login to a persistent game server account.

Triggers a server_connect_failure, server_connected, or server_disconnected callbacks.

Returns: void

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Login to a generic, anonymous account.

Triggers a server_connect_failure, server_connected, or server_disconnected callbacks.

Returns: void

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requestUserGroupStatus( uint64_t steam_id, int group_id )

Ask if user is in specified group; results returned by client_group_status.

Triggers a client_group_status callback.

Returns: bool

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Checks whether the game server is in "Secure" mode.

Returns: bool

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setAdvertiseServerActive( bool active )

Tells the Steam master servers whether or not you want to be active. If this is enabled then the server will talk to the master servers, if it's not then incoming messages are ignored and heartbeats will not be sent.

Returns: void

Note: This function is called EnableHeartbeats in the Steamworks documentation but is called SetAdvertiseServerAction in the SDK header file.

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setBotPlayerCount( int bots )

Sets the number of bot/AI players on the game server. The default value is 0.

Returns: void

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setDedicatedServer( bool dedicated )

Sets the whether this is a dedicated server or a listen server. The default is listen server.

Returns: void

Note: This only be set before calling logOn or logOnAnonymous.

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setGameData( string data )

Sets a string defining the "gamedata" for this server, this is optional, but if set it allows users to filter in the matchmaking/server-browser interfaces based on the value. This is usually formatted as a comma or semicolon separated list. Don't set this unless it actually changes, its only uploaded to the master once; when acknowledged.

Returns: void

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setGameDescription( string description )

Sets the game description. Setting this to the full name of your game is recommended.

Returns: void

Note: This is required for all game servers and can only be set before calling logOn or logOnAnonymous.

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setGameTags( string tags )

Sets a string defining the "gametags" for this server, this is optional, but if set it allows users to filter in the matchmaking/server-browser interfaces based on the value. This is usually formatted as a comma or semicolon separated list. Don't set this unless it actually changes, its only uploaded to the master once; when acknowledged.

Returns: void

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setKeyValue( string key, string value )

Add/update a rules key/value pair.

Returns: void

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setMapName( string map )

Sets the name of map to report in the server browser.

Returns: void

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setMaxPlayerCount( int players_max )

Max player count that will be reported to server browser and client queries.

Returns: void

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setModDir( string modDir )

Sets the game directory. This should be the same directory game where gets installed into. Just the folder name, not the whole path. e.g. "Spacewar".

Returns: void

Note: This is required for all game servers and can only be set before calling logOn or logOnAnonymous.

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setPasswordProtected( bool password_protected )

Set whether the game server will require a password once when the user tries to join.

Returns: void

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setProduct( string product )

Sets the game product identifier. This is currently used by the master server for version checking purposes. Converting the game's app ID to a string for this is recommended.

Returns: void

Note: This is required for all game servers and can only be set before calling logOn or logOnAnonymous.

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setRegion( string region )

Region identifier. This is an optional field, the default value is an empty string, meaning the "world" region.

Returns: void

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setServerName( string name )

Sets the name of server as it will appear in the server browser.

Returns: void

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setSpectatorPort( int port )

Spectator server. Default is zero, meaning it is now used.

Returns: void

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setSpectatorServerName( string name )

Sets the name of the spectator server. This is only used if spectator port is non-zero.

Returns: void

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userHasLicenseForApp( uint64_t steam_id, uint32 app_id )

Checks if the user owns a specific piece of Downloadable Content (DLC). This can only be called after sending the users auth ticket to beginAuthSession.

Returns: int

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Checks if the master server has alerted us that we are out of date. This reverts back to false after calling this function.

Returns: bool

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These callbacks require you to run Steam.run_callbacks() in your _process() function to receive them.



Sent as a reply to associateWithClan.


  • result (int)

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Client has been approved to connect to this game server.

Emits signal in response to function sendUserConnectAndAuthenticate (currently missing from Server).


  • steam_id (uint64_t)
  • owner_id (uint64_t)

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Client has been denied to connection to this game server.

Emits signal in response to function sendUserConnectAndAuthenticate (currently missing from Server).


  • steam_id (uint64_t)
  • reason (int)

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Sent as a reply to requestUserGroupStatus.


  • steam_id (uint64_t)
  • group_id (uint64_t)
  • member (bool)
  • officer (bool)

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Request the game server should kick the user.


  • steam_id (uint64_t)
  • reason (int)

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Sent as a reply to computeNewPlayerCompatibility.


  • result (int)
  • players_dont_like_candidate (int)
  • players_candidate_doesnt_like (int)
  • clan_players_dont_like_candidate (int)
  • steam_id (uint64_t)

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Received when the game server requests to be displayed as secure (VAC protected).


  • secure (uint8)

Secure is true if the game server should display itself as secure to users, false otherwise.

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Logging the game server onto Steam.

Emits signal in response to functions logOff, logOn, or logOnAnonymous.


  • result (int)
  • retrying (bool)

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Server has connected to the Steam back-end.

Emits signal in response to functions logOff, logOn, or logOnAnonymous.

Results: nothing

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Called if the client has lost connection to the Steam servers. Real-time services will be disabled until a matching server_connected has been posted.

Emits signal in response to functions logOff, logOn, or logOnAnonymous.


  • result (int)

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