Compiling The GodotSteam GDExtension From Scratch
For those of you who are comfortable compiling or want to give it a shot, here are some steps to follow.
Set Up Tools
Follow Godot's documentation to setup the required tools for your operating system.
Get GodotSteam GDExtension
This is a little different from the modules as we get GodotSteam's source first and then Godot's.
Cloning the Source
You can clone the source into a folder called godotsteam_gdextension like so:
git clone -b gdextension godotsteam_gdextension
Cloning the repo should also pull the sub-module for Godot CPP, so you can skip to Get the Steamworks SDK.
However, you may want to change the version of Godot CPP, depending on your target version. If so, read the next section Get Godot CPP.
Downloading the Source
Alternatively, you can download the GDExtension source from our repository then unpack it into a folder named godotsteam_extension. You will need to pull the Godot CPP source yourself if you use this method.
Get Godot CPP
Cloning the Source
If you changed your target version or manually downloaded the GDExtension source, you can head into the godotsteam_gdextension folder and clone the latest Godot CPP source in a folder called godot-cpp like so:
git clone -b 4.1 godot-cpp
You may need to change the given tag(s) above from whatever it is to whatever the current version or whatever version you need.
Downloading the Source
Alternatively, you can download and unpack the Godot CPP source from their Github in a folder called godot-cpp.
Compile the Bindings
In either case, you will want to head into the godot-cpp folder and compile the bindings for your platform. Make sure your slashes are OS appropriate:
scons platform=<your platform> target=template_release
scons platform=<your platform> target=template_debug
Get the Steamworks SDK
Download the Steamworks SDK from Valve's partners site. This requires a Steam developer account.
Move the public and redistributable_bin folders from the unzipped Steamworks SDK into the godotsteam_gdextension/godotsteam/sdk/ so you have the following layout:
└─ godotsteam/
└─ sdk/
├─ public/*
└─ redistributable_bin/*
Double-Checking Folder / File Structure
Before we start compiling, let us make sure everything is in place. Your godotsteam_gdextension directory should look something like this:
│─ bin/
├─ godot-cpp/
│ ├─ bin/*
│ ├─ cmake/*
│ ├─ gdextension/*
│ ├─ gen/*
│ ├─ include/*
│ ├─ misc/*
│ ├─ src/*
│ ├─ test/*
│ ├─ tools/*
│ ├─
│ └─ SConstruct
├─ godotsteam/
│ ├─ doc_classes/*
│ ├─ sdk/
│ │ ├─ public/steam/*
│ │ └─ redistributable_bin/*
│ ├─ api.json
│ ├─ godotsteam.h
│ ├─ godotsteam.cpp
│ ├─ gdootsteam_constants.h
│ ├─ register_types.cpp
│ ├─ register_types.h
│ └─ godotsteam.gdextension
└─ SConstruct
Compiling Time
Just run the following command for your operating system from the godotsteam_gdextension folder root:
scons platform=windows target=template_release
scons platform=windows target=template_debug
scons platform=linuxbsd target=template_release
scons platform=linuxbsd target=template_debug
scons platform=macos target=template_release
scons platform=macos target=template_debug
The Visual Studio instructions carried over from GDNative probably do not work anymore so they were removed. If anyone would like to contribute new ones, please feel free to do so!
All Together Now
When compiling is finished, create a brand new folder somewhere called addons and, inside that, create a folder called godotsteam.
Now copy the whole win64/, linuxbsd/, or osx/ folder(s) from within the godotsteam_gdextension/bin/ folder into addons/godotsteam/. We will want to rename that linuxbsd folder to linux64 or linux32 depending on what you created.
You will also want to copy the matching Steamworks API file(s) from godotsteam_gdextension/godotsteam/sdk/redistributable_bin/ and put them in with the corresponding platform's folder.
This all sound a little confusing? It should look a little something like this:
└─ godotsteam
└─ win64
└─ steam_api64.dll
└─ godotsteam
└─ win32
└─ steam_api.dll
└─ godotsteam
└─ linux64
└─ godotsteam
└─ linux32
└─ godotsteam
└─ osx
│─ libgodotsteam.debug.framework
│ │─ libgodotsteam.macos.template_debug.universal
│ └─ libsteam_api.dylib
│─ libgodotsteam.framework
│ │─ libgodotsteam.macos.template_release.universal
│ └─ libgodotsteam.framework/libsteam_api.dylib
└─ libsteam_api.dylib
Lastly, copy the godotsteam.gdextension file from the base of your godotsteam_gdextensioni folder and place it into the addons/godotsteam/ folder.
This can now be added to any project you have; just pop it into the root of the project and go!
Renaming Notes
Typically we rename the produced shared library files by removing the template_ prefixes and operating system naming like windows, linuxbsd, or macos as those are implied through their parent folders. Just in case you like a tidier plug-in.
Good to Go
This GDExtension does not have to be enabled as it is always present if the addon is there.
From here you should have access to all of the Steamworks SDK functions and callbacks.
You should be able to read the Steamworks API documentation to see what all is available and cross-reference with GodotSteam's documentation.
Feel free to check out our tutorials if you want to learn some basics or just start tinkering!