Contributing Code Or Docs To GodotSteam
If you are interested in helping work on GodotSteam, here are the major repositories for the project.
Modifying Code
One of the best way to help with the project is code contribution. We keep a somewhat up-to-date list of what needs done in our To-Do list on Github. If you are making rather large changes, it is advised you contact us on Discord or open a discussion in Github Discussions about it before spending a lot of time rewriting things that might need more rewriting.
Code Styles
When modifying the code to any of GodotSteam branches, there is a convention we try to keep. Honestly, it is a hodge-podge of styles:
- Use camel-case for all function names. We mostly follow Valve's lead with this instead of Godot's, but we have discussed changing it.
- Use snake-case for all signal names, variables, and arguments.
Compile It
Most importantly, we ask that you make sure your code compiles before submitting a pull-request. Run a quick:
scons platform=[your platform] production=yes tools=yes target=release_debug
scons platform=[your platform] tools=yes target=editor
Modifying Docs
Feel free to make any edits you think are needed: CSS changes, new tutorials, extra links, fixes for functions or signals, or even adding your own game to the "Games Using GodotSteam" list.
Any large changes, however, should be discussed by the same routes as major code changes.
Try to make any new or edited content fit the same styles as the other pages. But if you have an eye for design and think of something better, please share that too!
Modifying Skillet
Our open-source, free-to-play game Skillet will be launching on Steam this year. We hope to get community support for adding more stuff and bug fixing. Since it is meant to be a fun and educational resource, we want to treat the code contributions similar.
Please try to keep most of the standard Godot conventions, use snake_case, double linebreak between functions, etc.
Don't shy away from explaining things in the comments. Since these are meant for people to learn adn figure out how Steamworks functions, definitely pack in any information you think necessary.
Thank You
Yes, a huge thank you for helping out with the project in any and all ways: contributions, donations, or just supporting your fellow developers!