Donating To GodotSteam
If code isn't your strong-suit or you are feeling generous, you can always donate to the GodotSteam project through Github Sponsors. Doing so will get you a variety of little perks, based on your donation amount, like:
- Access to a sponsors-only repo with various WIP things
- Your name enshrined in the documentation with a link of your choosing
- Special role in the Discord server
- Shout-outs on Discord and socials
- Logo on the GodotSteam welcome page
- 1-on-1 pair-programming session with Gramps
- Direct support with your project
- Our undying love
If you have any ideas for additional perks, please feel free to send them on in!
Perk Details
Sponsors Repo
Donors get access to our private Sponsors repository which contains in-the-works versions of GodotSteam and other related projects. A beta key to Skillet is also provided to all active donors prior to the game's release.
Documentation Listing
Everyone gets added to our documentation's contributor list and one link is permitted per donor. You may have to e-mail us at [email protected] as your contact information isn't shared with us through GitHub Sponsors.
Discord Roles
We have to manually add you in the Discord server, if you are a sponsor. Just reach out to one of the moderators to get your role!
Shout-outs on Discord and socials happen in bulk every so often.
Logos On Website
Front page logos get coordinated through e-mail for donors over a certain amount.
1-on-1 pair-programming sessions should be reserved to more serious issues. If you are eligible for these, please contact Gramps by e-mail to discuss a schedule and topic.
Direct Support
Direct support for sponsors can also be had through contacting us at [email protected] too.