2024 Round-Up And 2025 Roadmap
After a rather quiet October and November, it is time to wrap-up the rest of 2024 and mention the plans for GodotSteam in 2025! Before the year is out, we'll finally get updates to every single branch and the server repo. These updates include Steamworks SDK 1.61, additions for Angle and DirectX 12 (?), and a little prep for Godot 4.4. Even a quick patch for Linux GDNative to fix a random achievement bug.
Fun and Funding
Funding open-source is hard, if not impossible sometimes. My personal situation changed and I can no longer self-fund GodotSteam's development. Until I find a new job, things will be a bit slower than normal. That being said, I will have to spread out what I can work on. The studio that was our largest funding source also had situation changes, so we will lose the vast bulk of funding by the end of the year. Much love to the rest of our sponsors who will keep the project moving along; every bit helps immensely! I will try to figure out some more perks for you folks.
That being said, if you the community want the project to continue on at a better clip, please consider donating on Github Sponsors! I know that is a big ask these days. Those of you with skills are also encouraged to help with pull-requests. You can find some to-do lists here.
1-on-1 Support
Earlier I had to cut out direct support to focus on building more resources out but the community is far larger and faster than I am with this. Tons of smart and active folks lending a hand to answer questions.
I quietly rolled out some 1-on-1, pair-programming support for more advanced issues on Github Sponsors and am now officially announcing it to help fund the main project. To set up a session, please contact me at [email protected] with what you need help with; we will set up a time / schedule and you can pay it through Github Sponsors. I ask you do not use this for very basic things that you can find in our tutorials as it is just a waste of your hard-earned money!
Our sponsors were informed about this already, but now is a good time to mention GodotSteamKit officially. You may have heard me talk about this somewhere and previously it had been called GodotSteam Components. I am releasing this in 2025 in hopes of bolstering funds for the main project.
You can consider it something akin to GodotSteam 2.0; the editor code has been completely re-written to fix some issues with GodotSteam that I couldn't fix without majorly breaking things for everyone. Some of these changes will possibly become public once Godot 5 comes out and breaking changes are less problematic.
GodotSteamKit also has a host of built-in editor tools for things like Inventory, UGC / Workshop, uploading to Steam, VDF creation. This also includes a bunch of custom nodes I have been tinkering with to ease the use of some Steamworks classes: avatars, chat, etc. It will also be bundled with a bunch of "starter kit" scenes for things like Lobbies and Networking. These can be modified to suit your needs but will speed up implementing things. Some of these may later be released publicly.
This suite is aimed at more professional or serious developers and will be free to all sponsors over a set value of donations. Non-sponsors can purchase it for a one-time fee; the amount of which is still being considered.
GodotSteamKit will not be open-source like GodotSteam was. It will be a closed-source editor built off Godot Engine and will not feature a GDExtension at first but that will come shortly after a stable release is created. Obviously, the licensing will not be MIT but I'm not entirely sure what license will be used.
To reduce the workload of the overall project, Skillet's release has been bumped back sometime into 2025. I have no idea when as it is the second lowest priority currently. Sometime in early 2025, I will open the game up to some contributors to help speed that along so we can get it out in a slightly reduced state where features can be added at a later time.
All that being said, Skillet's Steam store page will go live next week so we can start posting things there for you all to follow.
Learning Resources
The website update is still coming, albeit slowly. I really want to push it more as a learning resource so means more tutorials! Last month I rolled out the first video tutorial on MakerTube and plan to release a new one each month covering everything as in-depth as possible. Stats and Achievements are up next! That should be out a bit before the holidays.
Let's recap with a (hopeful) roadmap:
- Patches for SDK 1.61, Angle, DirectX
- Stats and Achievements video tutorials
- Premium support offering
- Skillet Steam store page launch
- New website updates
- GodotSteamKit
- Skillet
- Monthly video tutorials
- New text tutorials
Keep making those cool games!
Love, Gramps