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Keep On Truckin'

GodotSteam 4.11 / 3.27

Hey, gang! Finally got those shiny patches ready... so here is GodotSteam 4.11 and GodotSteam 3.27! The biggest changes are accessible properties like Steam ID (of the local user), app ID, leaderboards, a wealth of handles, etc. Many of which are set by calling the normal functions you do already. Everything GodotSteam held onto internally, you can now access with set/gets. There are now more editor warnings/errors for things using Godot macros. Some very minor breaks depending on if you used some rather obsecure features like the Steam error callback. The full list is available on each branch's readme or respective change-log page in the docs.

The biggest difference is in the updates to MultiplayerPeer and now, finally, documentation as well as in-editor docs. Mostly the code was reformatted, some things taken out, and everything kind of streamlined. It also allowed me to get an idea of what was going on since I was on the outside of the whole process until now. In the near future, we will be adding in Steam Sockets to MultiplayerPeer so you can choose which networking system to use with it.

Direct12 is still not added to anything but will be in the next patch. Server updates are also coming early next week, they are the least used and clearly last to get updated. They are still two versions back as is. Also GDNative is delayed due to compiling issues that were too last minute but I expect that to be resolved next week. Sorry Godot 3.x plug-in folks!

What's next?

Well, almost nine years later, the SDK is completely integrated, tutorials created with more coming starting in October, example projects built with a big one coming, and such. There are lots of plans and things to do but I figured now is a good time to rebalance this relationship a bit.

First, thank you to the group of sponsors who have been carrying this project the last few years; you truly made a difference and kept this thing going. And now I am asking rest of the community if they want to see this continue.

This project was never predicated on funding: I started it for me and shared it with the community. Then I kept it up to keep supporting all the cool games and folks using it. It has been an unexpected adventure, grew way bigger than I thought it would, and I am glad you all went with me on it. I love I was able to help so many people tackle Steamworks.

However, I have accomplished my original goals plus a lot more (and still have more to do), but, alas, this is the real-world and these things cost. If you are interested in seeing this continue, please consider support the project on Github Sponsors. I re-opened donations on Patreon for folks who prefer that method; though they take a big cut where Github Sponsors takes none. I will use the next three months to evaluate this and see what you all think.

TL:DR; If we can get a reasonable funding level, I will continue on with GodotSteam and keep building it out. If we cannot, at the end of December, the project will shift to purely community driven, I will find new maintainers, and move on to other things like GodotSteamKit and more games.


While I am not 100% ready to roll this out, GodotSteam Components is being rebranded as GodotSteamKit and will feature all the extra tools I have been working on in the shadows and occasionally mentioning. This also includes a full re-write of GodotSteam itself and will be available in two flavors: pre-compiled editor suite and GDExtension. There will be no Godot 3 support unfortunately. I except to roll this all out in November and it will have a cost associated that has not been determined yet. Sponsors will be eligible to receive it as thanks for their donations though.

More on this in November.


Still on track to release in December but it will be skipping NextFest to focus on public repo release which is happening in October. I will start rolling out code as I work on it so you can start helping or snipping out examples. Once finished, Skillet will replace all GodotSteam example projects as it is one big example project covering all of GodotSteam's features.

More on that in October.


Big updates are out next week with a total revamp, new tutorials, more streamlined interface, and more details.

So go grab some updates and build cool games!

❤ Love, Gramps