GodotSteam 4.10, Skillet, And You
First, GodotSteam 4.10 And You
Godot 4.3 is out so now GodotSteam is updating to 4.10! You can download pre-compiled versions of the standard build, GDExtensions, or MultiplayerPeer from all the normal places. Big thing is the new GodotSteam is using the Flat API so, in theory, we can now use MinGW to compile. I have not tested this yet but will be doing some test builds soon.
Now for the GDExtension part. There are two versions of the GDExtension currently available on the Github repo: godotsteam-gdextension-plugin41_43.zip and godotsteam-gdextension-plugin43.zip which are built with different Godot-cpp versions. The 4.1 branch that is cherry-picked fixes for maximum compatibility, as I understand it, and 4.3 which is the newest; these plug-ins are using their respective versions. The 41_43 version should work fine in all Godot versions 4.1. If you notice any issues, please let us know and change over to the 43 version instead.
For now, the GodotSteam Asset Library version will contain the 41_43 variant.
Wait, where do you come in? Test, build, export, report!
What's In The Skillet?
If you don't know, Skillet's asset branch is live on the Skillet repo. It has achievement, Inventory, and UGC images already, icons, Steam store assets, and more. Also some templates if you want to add skins to the game yourself. Most importantly, it has the VDF files so you can see how these items are set up in the Steamworks backend.
Currently, none of the assets are allowed to be used in commercial projects and are under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Contributed assets may be under different licenses so check their assets folders first!
Skillet Workshop Editor
Not just yet but soon we are releasing the Skillet Workshop Editor for easily adding items to Steam Workshop. It will be available as a download in the Skillet repo, source code so you can make changes or skin it for your own projects, and it will be available on Steam once Skillet releases.
More on that next week.