Tutorials - UGC / Workshop
By Gramps
A hot topic that comes up: Workshop / UGC. There are a lot of moving parts and we'll probably miss quite a few in this tutorial. Luckily some smart folks have provided some information based on their experiences that we can use.
Relevant GodotSteam classes and functions
- Friends class
- UGC class
- createItem()
- createQueryUserUGCRequest()
- getItemInstallInfo()
- getSubscribedItems()
- getQueryUGCResult()
- releaseQueryUGCRequest()
- sendQueryUGCRequest()
- setReturnOnlyIDs()
- startItemUpdate()
- submitItemUpdate()
- setItemContent()
- setItemDescription()
- setItemMetadata()
- setItemPreview()
- setItemTags()
- setItemTitle()
- setItemUpdateLanguage()
- setItemVisibility()
- User class
Before anything else, you'll want to read Valve's write-up on Workshop / UGC which will cover a lot of steps that aren't covered in this tutorial. Once you get through that, you should also read through Valve's write-up on the implementation of Workshop / UGC so you'll be ready to continue on.
And, when you're finally read both of those, we can start.
Uploading / Downloading In Workshop / UGC
KarpPaul of Forgotten Dream Games has given us this pretty great tutorial on uploading and downloading items in Workshop / UGC. Since he has written everything, with code examples, there isn't any reason to reiterate it here when you can just click the link and read it all yourself.
Using Items In Workshop / UGC
Lyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa submitted some code showing how they use items in Workshop / UGC:
extends Node
class_name Steam_Workshop
signal query_request_success
var published_items : Array
var steam = SteamAutoload.steam # I don't use the `Steam` directly to avoid scripts errors in non-steam builds.
var _app_id : int = ProjectSettings.get_setting("global/steam_app_id")
var _query_handler : int
var _page_number : int = 1
var _subscribed_items : Dictionary
func _init() -> void:
steam.connect("ugc_query_completed", self, "_on_query_completed")
for item in steam.getSubscribedItems():
var info : Dictionary
info = get_item_install_info(item)
if info["ret"] == true:
_subscribed_items[item] = info
static func open_tos() -> void:
var steam = SteamAutoload.steam
var tos_url = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/workshoplegalagreement"
func get_item_install_info(p_item_id : int) -> Dictionary:
var info : Dictionary
info = steam.getItemInstallInfo(p_item_id)
if info["ret"] == false:
var warning = "Item " + String(p_item_id) + " isn't installed or has no content"
# Here your code to log/display errors
return info
func get_published_items(p_page : int = 1, p_only_ids : bool = false) -> void:
var user_id : int = steam.getSteamID()
var list : int = steam.USER_UGC_LIST_PUBLISHED
var type : int = steam.WORKSHOP_FILE_TYPE_COMMUNITY
_query_handler = steam.createQueryUserUGCRequest(user_id,
steam.setReturnOnlyIDs(_query_handler, p_only_ids)
func get_item_folder(p_item_id : int) -> String:
return _subscribed_items[p_item_id]["folder"]
func fetch_query_result(p_number_results : int) -> void:
var result : Dictionary
for i in range(p_number_results):
result = steam.getQueryUGCResult(_query_handler, i)
func _on_query_completed(p_query_handler : int,
p_result : int,
p_results_returned : int,
p_total_matching : int,
p_cached : bool) -> void:
if p_result == steam.RESULT_OK:
var warning = "Couldn't get published items. Error: " + String(p_result)
# Here your code to log/display errors
if p_result == 50:
_page_number ++ 1
elif p_result < 50:
Workshop / UGC Items
Following along with Lyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa's example, here is a class for your Workshop / UGC items.
extends Node
class_name UGC_Item
signal item_created
signal item_updated
signal item_creation_failed
signal item_update_failed
var steam = SteamAutoload.steam # I don't use the `Steam` directly to avoid scripts errors in non-steam builds.
var _app_id : int = ProjectSettings.get_setting("global/steam_app_id")
var _item_id : int
var _update_handler
func _init(p_item_id : int = 0,
p_file_type : int = steam.WORKSHOP_FILE_TYPE_COMMUNITY) -> void:
steam.connect("item_created", self, "_on_item_created")
steam.connect("item_updated", self, "_on_item_updated")
if p_item_id == 0:
steam.createItem(_app_id, p_file_type)
_item_id = p_item_id
func start_update(p_item_id : int) -> void:
_update_handler = steam.startItemUpdate(_app_id, p_item_id)
func update(p_update_description : String = "Initial commit") -> void:
steam.submitItemUpdate(_update_handler, p_update_description)
func set_title(p_title : String) -> void:
if steam.setItemTitle(_update_handler, p_title) == false:
# Here your code to log/display errors
func set_description(p_description : String = "") -> void:
if steam.setItemDescription(_update_handler, p_description) == false:
# Here your code to log/display errors
func set_update_language(p_language : String) -> void:
if steam.setItemUpdateLanguage(_update_handler, p_language) == false:
# Here your code to log/display errors
func set_visibility(p_visibility : int = 2) -> void:
if steam.setItemVisibility(_update_handler, p_visibility) == false:
# Here your code to log/display errors
func set_tags(p_tags : Array = []) -> void:
if steam.setItemTags(_update_handler, p_tags) == false:
# Here your code to log/display errors
func set_content(p_content : String) -> void:
if steam.setItemContent(_update_handler, p_content) == false:
# Here your code to log/display errors
func set_preview(p_image_preview : String = "") -> void:
if steam.setItemPreview(_update_handler, p_image_preview) == false:
# Here your code to log/display errors
func set_metadata(p_metadata : String = "") -> void:
if steam.setItemMetadata(_update_handler, p_metadata) == false:
# Here your code to log/display errors
func get_id() -> int:
return _item_id
func _on_item_created(p_result : int, p_file_id : int, p_accept_tos : bool) -> void:
if p_result == steam.RESULT_OK:
_item_id = p_file_id
# Here your code to log/display success
emit_signal("item_created", p_file_id)
var error = "Failed creating workshop item. Error: " + String(p_result)
# Here your code to log/display errors
emit_signal("item_creation_failed", error)
if p_accept_tos:
func _on_item_updated(p_result : int, p_accept_tos : bool) -> void:
if p_result == steam.RESULT_OK:
var item_url = "steam://url/CommunityFilePage/" + String(_item_id)
# Here your code to log/display success
var error = "Failed updated workshop item. Error: " + String(p_result)
# Here your code to log/display errors
emit_signal("item_update_failed", error)
if p_accept_tos:
Weird Issues
KarpPaul had some information about getting "access is denied" from getQueryUGCResult
Regarding the issue that I had with steamworks (Steam.getQueryUGCResult returns "access is denied" when the workshop is set visible to developers and customers). I talked to steam support and they were not able to reproduce the error. I checked the ipc log and indeed everything looks normal - no access denied results in steam logs. However, the error is still in the game. No idea why this happens and how, maybe I am doing smth wrong. I wonder if anybody else will encounter this.... anyway, it is not critical, so I just make my workshop visible to everyone and decide to ignore the issue for now.
Additional Resources
Example Project
Later this year you can see this tutorial in action with more in-depth information by checking out our upcoming free-to-play game Skillet on GitHub. There you will be able to view of the code used which can serve as a starting point for you to branch out from.