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Tutorials - Removing Steam Easily

By Gramps

A lot of folks like to ship on other platforms like Playstation, XBox, Switch,, etc. Removing deeply embedded Steamworks stuff can be a pain and some have opted to keep separate repositories for their game's Steam version. However, there is an alternative to this: programmatically ignoring the Steamworks bits. Below are some examples shared by users in our Discord.

How We Do It

So the example I'll be using for this tutorial is based on solution #2 submitted by Rutger. I am actively using this in my current project.

We will create two variable to hold our platform and the Steamworks object then modify the usual initialize_steam() function to look for the Steam singleton before trying to do anything:

var this_platform: String = "steam"
var steam_api: Object = null

# Initialize Steam
func initialize_steam() -> void:
    if Engine.has_singleton("Steam"):
        this_platform = "steam"
        steam_api = Engine.get_singleton("Steam")

        var initialized: Dictionary = steam_api.steamInitEx(false)

        print("[STEAM] Did Steam initialize?: %s" % initialized))

        # In case it does fail, let's find out why and null the steam_api object
        if initialized['status'] > 0:
            print("Failed to initialize Steam, disabling all Steamworks functionality: %s" % initialized)
            steam_api = null

        # Is the user online?
        steam_id = steam_api.getSteamID()
        steam_name = steam_api.getPersonaName()

        this_platform = "itch"  # Could be anything else really like a console, etc.
        steam_id = 0
        steam_name = "You"

Now we can use the steam_api object to call our Steam functions elsewhere in the game and, without Steamworks present, it won't crash the game due to the missing singleton call.

I also create a helper function to quickly check if anything Steam-wise can be used, like so:

func is_steam_enabled() -> bool:
    if this_platform == "steam" and steam_api != null:
        return true
    return false

Since it is in my global script, it can be called anywhere I need to use Steam functions. If this function doesn't return true, then I just have my code ignore related Steam portions like so:

func fire_steam_achievement(value: int) -> void:
    if not achievements[value]:
        achievements[value] = true

        # Pass variable to Steam and fire it off
        var this_achievement: String = "ACHIEVE"+str(value)

        # Now, if Steam exists and is enabled, use the Steamworks functions
        if is_steam_enabled():
            var was_set: bool = steam_api.setAchievement(ACHIEVE)
            print("[STEAM] Firing achievement %s, success: %s" % [this_achievement, was_set])

            var was_stored: bool = steam_api.storeStats()
            print("[STEAM] Statistics stored: %s" % was_stored)

So when you need to export for non-Steam platforms, you can just use vanilla Godot templates and you don't have to worry about anything else! No need for different versions of your game at all.

Below we have the two submitted user suggestions on how to pull this off; the example above, as mnetioned, was based on solution #2 but do also check out solution 1 if that makes more sense for you.

Solution 1: Multiple Files

Albey shared some scripts for his solution in GDScript and there are three separate files. The file which swaps out which version of the game this is:

extends Node

var interface: SteamIntegrationBlank

func _ready() -> void:
    if OS.has_feature("Steam"):
        interface = load("res://Entities/Autoloads/Steam/").new()
        interface = load("res://Entities/Autoloads/Steam/").new()

    if interface.status != interface.STATUS_OK:

The file which handles what happens when Steam is not present:

extends Reference
class_name SteamIntegrationBlank

const STATUS_OK = 1
var status := STATUS_OK

func initialise_steam() -> void:

And finally the file for when Steam is present:

extends SteamIntegrationBlank

const APP_ID = ***

func initialise_steam() -> void:
    if Steam.restartAppIfNecessary(APP_ID):

    var init: Dictionary = Steam.steamInit()
    status = init['status']

Solution 2: Check For Singleton

Rutger from Roost Games (maker of Cat Cafe Manager) shared a tidbit about it: "If anyone is wondering how to do that, since I had to find out through the Switch port, I have a platform global as a wrapper for any platform specific stuff, it just does this in the _ready()". His example code is as following:

if Engine.has_singleton("Steam"):
    self.platform = "steam"
    self.Steam = Engine.get_singleton("Steam")

Caveats For GDExtension

When using the GDExtension of GodotSteam, you need to also alter the extension_list.cfg file located in your .godot folder in your project. If you do not, then the game will produce some errors in your log files when run. They are harmless, however, just a little annoying. There is a proposal to fix this behavior so fingers crossed!

Hopefully these examples give you some ideas on how to remove Steamworks features from your game without having to make a bunch of different builds and repositories.