Tutorials - Leaderboards
By Gramps
This tutorial will cover setting up leaderboards for your games. I will add more to this tutorial at a later date with other functions but this should cover all the basics for working with leaderboards.
Relevant GodotSteam classes and functions
Set Up
First, let's get our signals set up.
Steam.connect("leaderboard_find_result", self, "_on_leaderboard_find_result")
Steam.connect("leaderboard_score_uploaded", self, "_on_leaderboard_score_uploaded")
Steam.connect("leaderboard_scores_downloaded", self, "_on_leaderboard_scores_downloaded")
We'll go over each signal and related function in order. First, you'll need to pass your leaderboard's Steamworks back-end name to the findLeaderboard()
function like so:
Steam.findLeaderboard( your_leaderboard_name )
When using findOrCreateLeader()
, as opposed to findLeaderboard()
, make sure not to set the sort method or display types as none. Avoid these enums: LEADERBOARD_SORT_METHOD_NONE and LEADERBOARD_DISPLAY_TYPE_NONE.
Once Steam finds your leaderboard it will pass back the handle to the leaderboard_find_result
callback. The _on_leaderboard_find_result()
function that it is connected to it should look something like this:
func _on_leaderboard_find_result(handle: int, found: int) -> void:
if found == 1:
leaderboard_handle = handle
print("Leaderboard handle found: %s" % leaderboard_handle)
print("No handle was found")
Once you have this handle you can use all the additional functions. Please note you do not need to save the leaderboard handle since it is stored internally. However, you will only be able to work with one leaderboard at a time unless you store them locally in a variable. I would keep a dictionary of handles locally like:
var leaderboard_handles: Dictionary = {
"top_score": handle1,
"most_kills": handle2,
"most_games": handlde3
This way you can call whatever handle you need when updating leaderboards quickly. Otherwise you have to query each leaderboard again with findLeaderboard()
then wait for the callback then upload the new score. If you aren't updating leaderboards frequently or that many of them, then using the internally stored handle will probably work fine.
Uploading Scores
Before we can download scores, we need to upload them. The function itself is pretty simple:
Steam.uploadLeaderboardScore( score, keep_best, details, handle )
The first argument is, obviously, the score. The second is if you want the score to update regardless of whether it is better than the current score for the user. The third are details which must be integers; they essentially can be anything but here is what Valve says about it. The fourth is the leaderboard handle we are updating. You do not have to pass the handle though, if you want to use the internally stored one.
Once you pass a score to Steam, you should receive a callback from leaderboard_score_uploaded
. This will trigger our _on_leaderboard_score_uploaded()
func _on_leaderboard_score_uploaded(success: int, this_handle: int, this_score: Dictionary) -> void:
if success == 1:
print("Successfully uploaded scores!")
# Add additional logic to use other variables passed back
print("Failed to upload scores!")
For the most part you are just looking for a success of 1 to tell that it worked. However, you may with to use the additional variables passed back by the signal for logic in your game. They are contained in the dictionary called this_score
which contains these keys:
- score: the new score as it stands
- score_changed: if the score was changed (0 if false, 1 if true)
- new_rank: the new global rank of this player
- prev_rank: the previous rank of this player
Passing Extra Details
If you want to pass extra details, here are some neat hints from sepTN:
You can add small data as detail, for example embedding the character name (as a string) into that leaderboard entry. If you try to put detail that has a bigger size than possible, it will simply ignore it. To retrieve it, you need to process it again because Steam will spit out arrays (PackedInt32Array).
Here is some code that was shared:
# Godot 2 and 3 have no equivalent for to_int32_array I am aware of. Any corrections welcome!
Steam.uploadLeaderboardScore(score, keep_best, var2bytes(details), handle)
Steam.uploadLeaderboardScore(score, keep_best, var_to_bytes(details).to_int32_array(), handle)
When you download these scores and need to get our score details back to something readable, make sure you reverse this with bytes_to_var()
or bytes2var()
on Godot 4 and Godot 3 respectively.
Downloading Scores
Setting Max Details Or Not
Naturally you'll want to display leaderboard scores to the player. But before we pull any leaderboard entries, we need to set the maximum amount of details each one contains by setting the setLeaderboardDetailsMax()
function up:
var details_max: int = Steam.setLeaderboardDetailsMax( value )
print("Max details: %s" % details_max)
In GodotSteam 4.6.1 and higher, the default value for max leaderboard details is 256 or the Steam maximum. This change makes it so you don't have to call setLeaderboardDetailsMax()
first anymore; only if you want to change the max or turn off details.
Getting Scores
In most cases you'll want to use downloadLeaderboardEntries()
, but you can also use downloadLeaderboardEntriesForUsers()
by passing an array of users' Steam IDs to it. Both will respond with the same callback, but downloadLeaderboardEntriesForUsers()
does not allow as much control over what you can request:
Steam.downloadLeaderboardEntries( 1, 10, Steam.LEADERBOARD_DATA_REQUEST_GLOBAL, leaderboard_handle )
Steam.downloadLeaderboardEntriesForUsers( user_array, leaderboard_handle )
Just like uploading, downloading scores does not require a leaderboard handle to be included if you are using the internally stored one. You will noticed, as I mentioned above, that downloadLeaderboardEntriesForUsers()
only takes an array of users' Steam IDs as it's other argument whereas downloadLeaderboardEntries()
has quite a few others; which we will cover right now.
The first argument the index of entries you are starting with; this is usually 1 for your first request. The second argument is the last index to retrieve; there isn't a listed cap to this number but make it something you can display easily like 10 or so. The third argument is the type of data request; you can read more details about it in the SDK documentation. For a quick overview:
Leaderboard Data Request Enums | Values | Descriptions |
LEADERBOARD_DATA_REQUEST_GLOBAL | 0 | Used for a sequential range by leaderboard rank. |
LEADERBOARD_DATA_REQUEST_GLOBAL_AROUND_USER | 1 | Used to get entries relative to the user's entry. You may want to use negatives for the start to get entries before the user's. |
LEADERBOARD_DATA_REQUEST_FRIENDS | 2 | Used to get all entries for friends for the current user. Start and end arguments are ignored. |
LEADERBOARD_DATA_REQUEST_USERS | 3 | Used internally by Steam, do not use this. |
After you request leaderboard entries, you should receive a leaderboard_scores_downloaded
callback which will trigger our _on_leaderboard_scores_downloaded()
function. That function should look similar to this:
func _on_leaderboard_scores_downloaded(message: String, this_leaderboard_handle: int, result: Array) -> void:
print("Scores downloaded message: %s" % message)
# Save this for later leaderboard interactions, if you want
var leaderboard_handle: int = this_leaderboard_handle
# Add logic to display results
for this_result in result:
# Use each entry that is returned
The message is just a basic message to inform you to the status the download; whether successful or not and why. The second piece sent back are the results as an array. Each entry in the array is actually a dictionary like so:
- score: this user's score
- steam_id: this user's Steam ID; you can use this to get their avatar, name, etc.
- global_rank: obviously their global ranking for this leaderboard
- ugc_handle: handle for any UGC that is attached to this entry
- details: any details you stored with this entry for later use
Uploading UGC to Leaderboard
You can use this method if you want to attach replays or any other data to leadearboard entry. So first you will need to setup signals
Steam.connect("file_share_result", self, "_on_file_share_result")
Steam.connect("file_share_result", self, "on_file_write_async_complete")
Steam.connect("leaderboard_ugc_set", self, "on_leaderboard_ugc_set")
Creating a file we want to share
Created file is stored in PackedByteArray format. Frist we need to create a file with content that we want to share.
var data: PackedByteArray
Steam.fileWriteAsync( "file_name", data, data.size() )
File location
File will be created in location ...\Steam\userdata\<localid?>\<appid>\remote
Once it is created you can mark the file to be shared.
func on_file_write_async_complete(result):
if result == 1:
pass #Handle errors here
Understanding FileShare method
Method is used to mark existing files to be shared that are present in remote local directory.
File location
Files you want to share must exist in remote location ...\Steam\userdata\<localid?>\<appid>\remote
. Providing absolute path will not work.
The function is only marking files to be shared; otherwise, if they do not exist, you will get error.
func on_file_share_result( result: int, handle, name: String ):
if result == 1:
Steam.attachLeaderboardUGC( handle, LEADERBOARD_HANDLE )
pass #Handle errors here
When you successfully set your file and uploaded it now you can attach it to leaderboard.
You must call findLeaderboard()
or findOrCreateLeaderboard()
to get a leaderboard handle prior to calling this function. You can store it for example as LEADERBOARD_HANDLE
func on_leaderboard_ugc_set( handle:int, result:String ) -> void:
if result == 1:
print( "Hurray!" )
pass #Handle errors here
Once attached you can eiter leave file or delete it as it should be avalible even if deleted through leaderboard.
Possible Oddities
A user in our Discord noted that sometimes downloadLeaderboardEntriesForUsers()
would trigger a callback but have zero entries. Oddly, they reported that creating a second leaderboard then deleting the first one would fix this. While I don't understand why this would be the case, in the event you come across this, perhaps try this solution!
Additional Resources
Video Tutorials
Prefer video tutorials? Feast your eyes and ears!
'How To Build Leaderboards Out' by FinePointCGI
'Godot 4 Steam Leaderboards' by Gwizz
Example Project
Later this year you can see this tutorial in action with more in-depth information by checking out our upcoming free-to-play game Skillet on GitHub. There you will be able to view of the code used which can serve as a starting point for you to branch out from.