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Tutorials - Achievement Icons

By Gramps

This quick tutorial will cover to how get achievement icons from Steam's servers. It was made because there are some extra steps folks need to use to render the images and it may not be very clear otherwise.

Relevant GodotSteam classes and functions


Before you can get achievement icons you first need to have retrieved the user's stats from Steam. This is done by default when initializing Steam, but can optionally be disabled. This tutorial assumes that you have already received the user stats. Starting in SDK 1.61 (GodotSteam 3.27 / 4.12), this is now done automatically by the Steam client so you should be good to go.

Getting the Handle and Buffer

First you will need to request the icon handle by using the achievement's API name you set in the Steamworks back-end:

var icon_handle: int = Steam.getAchievementIcon("ACHIEVEMENT_NAME")

This handle is an ID used to get information about the image's size and a byte array (buffer) of the pixel data:

var icon_size: Dictionary = Steam.getImageSize(icon_handle)
var icon_buffer: Dictionary = Steam.getImageRGBA(icon_handle)

Note that the getImageRGBA() function can be somewhat expensive so it is recommended to only call this once per image handle and cache the result if you will need to access the image data multiple times.

Creating the Image

This buffer is a dictionary that contains two keys: success and buffer which contains the actual image data for our icon. However, as it is simply binary data, we need to load it into an Image so that Godot can use it as a Texture. The format of the data in the buffer is RGBA8 when we receive it from Steam, so we need to tell Godot how to make sense of it by specifying it as such:

var icon_image: Image =
icon_image.create_from_data(icon_size.width, icon_size.height, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8, icon_buffer["buffer"])
var icon_image: Image = Image.create_from_data(icon_size.width, icon_size.height, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8, icon_buffer["buffer"])

The size of the image is determined by the images you uploaded when configuring achievements on the Steamworks back-end. Valve recommends larger (256x256) images. If you want to display the image at a different size, say 64x64, you can optionally resize it now. Check the Godot documentation on Image.resize() for which interpolation mode best suits your needs.

icon_image.resize(64, 64, Image.INTERPOLATE_LANCZOS)

Now that all the pixels are set in the right places, we can create the actual texture which will be displayed:

var icon_texture: ImageTexture =
var icon_texture: ImageTexture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(icon_image)

Finally we can display the icon. Using the previous icon_texture, we can place this icon on our waiting Sprite or TextureRect, etc.

$Sprite.texture = icon_texture


Our complete example should look something like this:

# Get the image's handle
var icon_handle: int = Steam.getAchievementIcon("ACH_WIN_ONE_GAME")

# Get the image data
var icon_size: Dictionary = Steam.getImageSize(icon_handle)
var icon_buffer: Dictionary = Steam.getImageRGBA(icon_handle)

# Create the image for loading
var icon_image: Image =
icon_image.create_from_data(icon_size.width, icon_size.height, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8, icon_buffer["buffer"])

# Create a texture from the image
var icon_texture: ImageTexture =

# Display the texture on a sprite node
$Sprite.texture = icon_texture
# Get the image's handle
var icon_handle: int = Steam.getAchievementIcon("ACH_WIN_ONE_GAME")

# Get the image data
var icon_size: Dictionary = Steam.getImageSize(icon_handle)
var icon_buffer: Dictionary = Steam.getImageRGBA(icon_handle)

# Create the image for loading
var icon_image: Image = Image.create_from_data(icon_size.width, icon_size.height, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8, icon_buffer["buffer"])

# Create a texture from the image
var icon_texture: ImageTexture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(icon_image)

# Display the texture on a sprite node
$Sprite.texture = icon_texture

And that's how you display an achievement icon.

Additional Resources

Video Tutorials

Prefer video tutorials? Feast your eyes and ears!

GodotSteam - How It Works - Achievement Icons by Gramps / GodotSteam

Example Project

Later this year you can see this tutorial in action with more in-depth information by checking out our upcoming free-to-play game Skillet on GitHub. There you will be able to view of the code used which can serve as a starting point for you to branch out from.