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Only available in the GodotSteam MultiplayerPeer repo



collect_debug_data( )

Returns a list of details about the current lobby.

Returns: dictionary

  • lobby_id (int)
  • lobby_owner (int)
  • lobby_state (int)
  • no_delay (bool)
  • no_nagle (bool)
  • steam_id (int)
  • target_peer (int)
  • unique_id (int)


connect_lobby( int lobby_id )

Connect to the Steam lobby by given lobby ID. Signal [code]lobby_joined[/code] will be emitted after attempting to connect.

Returns: result (int)


create_lobby( int lobby_type, int max_players )

Create a new matchmaking lobby.

Triggers all three callbacks: lobby_created, lobby_joined, and lobby_data_update.

Returns: void

If the results returned via the lobby_created call result indicate success then the lobby is joined and ready to use at this point.

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


get_all_lobby_data( )

Get all know data about the current lobby.

Returns: dictionary of key-value pairs.


get_lobby_data( string key )

Gets the metadata associated with the specified key from the specified lobby.

Returns: string

Note: This can only get metadata from lobbies that the client knows about, either after receiving a list of lobbies from lobby_match_list, retrieving the data with requestLobbyData, or after joining a lobby.


get_lobby_id( )

Returns the current lobby's ID.

Returns: int


get_peer_id_from_steam64( int steam_id )

Converts Steam user ID into peer ID of MultiplayerAPI's current [code]multiplayer_peer[/code].

Returns: int


get_peer_info( int peer_id )

Get a list of data about a given peer.

Returns: dictionary

  • peer_id (int)
  • steam_id (int)
  • pending_packet_count (int)
  • connection_status (string)
  • packets_out_per_sec (float)
  • bytes_out_per_sec (float)
  • packets_in_per_sec (float)
  • bytes_in_per_sec (float)
  • connection_quality_local (float)
  • connection_quality_remote (float)
  • send_rate_bytes_per_second (int)
  • pending_unreliable (string)
  • pending_reliable (string)
  • sent_unacked_reliable (string)
  • queue_time (int)
  • ping (string)


get_peer_map( )

Get the list of all connected peers.

Returns: dictionary of key-value pairs

  • { peer id (int) : steam id (int) }


get_state( )

Get the state of the lobby the local player is currently in.

Returns: int


get_steam64_from_peer_id( int peer_id )

Converts peer ID of MultiplayerAPI's current multiplayer_peer into Steam user ID.

Returns: int


send_direct_message( PackedByteArray message )

Send a direct message as a packet.

Returns: bool


set_lobby_data( string key, string value )

Sets a key/value pair in the lobby metadata. This can be used to set the the lobby name, current map, game mode, etc. This can only be set by the owner of the lobby. Each user in the lobby will be receive notification of the lobby data change via a lobby_data_update callback. This will only send the data if it has changed. There is a slight delay before sending the data so you can call this repeatedly to set all the data you need to and it will automatically be batched up and sent after the last sequential call. True if the data has been set successfully. False if key was invalid or value is too long.

Returns: bool


set_lobby_joinable( bool joinable )

Sets whether or not a lobby is joinable by other players. This always defaults to true for a new lobby. If joining is disabled, then no players can join, even if they are a friend or have been invited. Lobbies with joining disabled will not be returned from a lobby search.

Returns: void



This peer is acting as a relay.

**Type:** bool (defaults to false)
**Setter:** set_as_relay
**Getter:88 get_as_relay


Has a delay.

**Type:** bool (defaults to false)
**Setter:** set_no_delay
**Getter:** get_no_delay"


Is using Nagle or not.

**Type:** bool (defaults to false)
**Setter:** set_no_nagle
**Getter:** get_no_nagle



Sends out dumps of internal debug data from SteamMultiplayerPeer.

**Returns:** dictionary

* msg (string)
* value


A lobby chat room state has changed, this is usually sent when a user has joined or left the lobby.


* lobby_id (int)
* changed_id (int)
* making_change_id (int)
* chat_state (int)


Gets emitted after creating a lobby and a game server. Creator automatically joins the lobby. Provided that result is RESULT_OK, callback for this signal would be a good moment to assign the peer to MultiplayerAPI by calling `multiplayer.set_multiplayer_peer()`.


* result (int)
* lobby_id (int)


The lobby metadata has changed.


* success (int)
* lobby_id (int)
* member_id (int)


Received upon attempting to enter a lobby. Lobby metadata is available to use immediately after receiving this. Provided that result is CHAT_ROOM_ENTER_RESPONSE_SUCCESS, callback for this signal would be a good moment to assign the peer to MultiplayerAPI by calling `multiplayer.set_multiplayer_peer()`.


* lobby (int)
* permissions (int)
* locked (bool)
* response (int)


A chat (text or binary) message for this lobby has been received.


* lobby_id (int)
* user (int)
* message (String)
* chat_type (int)


Gets emitted when SteamMultiplayerPeer fails to establish a message session. Can be used to exit the lobby or retry the connection from client's side. Returned Steam ID can be empty, depending on the current state of connection. For more information on reason of failure check **reason** in [NetworkingConnectionEnd]( and **connection_state** in [NetworkingConnectionState]( or check output of [debug_data](#debug_data) signal.


* steam_id (int)
* reason (int)
* connection_state (bool)



---|---|--- LOBBY_TYPE_PRIVATE | 0 | Lobby invisible to all other Steam users. The only way to join the lobby is from an invite. LOBBY_TYPE_FRIENDS_ONLY | 1 | Joinable by friends and invitees, but does not show up in the lobby list provided by Steam in lobby_match_list callback. LOBBY_TYPE_PUBLIC | 2 | Returned by search and visible to friends. LOBBY_TYPE_INVISIBLE | 3 | Returned by search, but not visible to other friends. LOBBY_TYPE_PRIVATE_UNIQUE | 4 | Private, unique and does not delete when empty - only one of these may exist per unique keypair set can only create from the Web API.


LOBBY_STATE_NOT_CONNECTED | 0 | The peer is not yet connected to the lobby. LOBBY_STATE_HOST_PENDING | 1 | The peer is creating a lobby to host. LOBBY_STATE_HOSTING | 2 | The peer is hosting a lobby. LOBBY_STATE_CLIENT_PENDING | 3 | The peer is joining a lobby. LOBBY_STATE_CLIENT | 4 | The peer has joined a lobby as a client.