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Matchmaking Servers

Functions which provide access to the game server browser. See Game Servers for more information.

Only available in the main GodotSteam branches



cancelQuery( uint64_t server_list_request = 0 )

Cancel an outstanding server list request.

You should call this to cancel any in-progress requests before destructing a callback object that may have been passed to one of the below request calls. Not doing so may result in a crash when a callback occurs on the destructed object. Canceling a query does not release the allocated request handle. The request handle must be released using releaseRequest.

You can pass a server_list_request handle or, if you do not, it will use the last internally stored one.

Returns: void

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


cancelServerQuery( int server_query )

Cancel an outstanding individual server query.

The calls that create this type of query are: pingServer, playerDetails, and serverRules. You should call this to cancel any in-progress requests before destructing a callback object that may have been passed to one of the above calls to avoid crashing when callbacks occur.

Returns: void

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


getServerCount( uint64_t server_list_request = 0 )

Gets the number of servers in the given list. This is used for iterating with getServerDetails.

You can pass a server_list_request handle or, if you do not, it will use the last internally stored one.

Returns: int

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


getServerDetails( int server, uint64_t server_list_request = 0 )

Get the details of a given server in the list.

You can get the valid range of index values by calling getServerCount. You will also receive index values in request_server_list_server_responded callbacks.

You can pass a server_list_request handle or, if you do not, it will use the last internally stored one.

Returns: dictionary

Contains the following keys:

  • ping (int)
  • success_response (bool)
  • no_refresh (bool)
  • game_dir (string)
  • map (string)
  • description (string)
  • app_id (uint32)
  • players (int)
  • max_players (int)
  • bot_players (int)
  • password (bool)
  • secure (bool)
  • last_played (uint32)
  • server_version (int)

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


isRefreshing( uint64_t server_list_request = 0 )

Checks if the server list request is currently refreshing.

You can pass a server_list_request handle or, if you do not, it will use the last internally stored one.

Returns: bool

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


pingServer( string ip, uint port )

Queries an individual game server directly via IP/Port to request an updated ping time and other details from the server.

You must inherit from the ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse object to receive this callback.

Currently not enabled.

Returns: int

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


playerDetails( string ip, uint16 port )

Queries an individual game server directly via IP/Port to request the list of players currently playing on the server.

You must inherit from the ISteamMatchmakingPlayersResponse object to receive this callback.

Currently not enabled.

Returns: int

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


refreshQuery( uint64_t server_list_request = 0 )

Ping every server in your list again but don't update the list of servers.

The query callback installed when the server list was requested will be used again to post notifications and request_server_list_refresh_complete will be called again, so the callback must remain valid until it completes or the request is released with releaseRequest.

You can pass a server_list_request handle or, if you do not, it will use the last internally stored one.

Returns: void

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


refreshServer( int server, uint64_t server_list_request = 0 )

Refreshes a single server inside of a query.

If you want to refresh all of the servers then you should use refreshQuery.

You can pass a server_list_request handle or, if you do not, it will use the last internally stored one.

Returns: void

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


releaseRequest( uint64_t server_list_request = 0 )

Releases the asynchronous server list request object and cancels any pending query on it if there's a pending query in progress.

You can pass a server_list_request handle or, if you do not, it will use the last internally stored one.

Returns: void

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


requestFavoritesServerList( uint32 app_id, array filters )

Request a new list of game servers from the 'favorites' server list.

See MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t for more information.

Returns: uint64_t

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


requestFriendsServerList( uint32 app_id, array filters )

Request a new list of game servers from the 'friends' server list.

See MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t for more information.

Returns: uint64_t

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


requestHistoryServerList( uint32 app_id, array filters )

Request a new list of game servers from the 'history' server list.

See MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t for more information.

Returns: uint64_t

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


requestInternetServerList( uint32 app_id, array filters )

Request a new list of game servers from the 'internet' server list.

See MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t for more information.

Returns: uint64_t

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


requestLANServerList( uint32 app_id )

Request a new list of game servers from the 'LAN' server list.

See MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t for more information.

Returns: uint64_t

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


requestSpectatorServerList( uint32 app_id, array filters )

Request a new list of game servers from the 'spectator' server list.

See MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t for more information.

Returns: uint64_t

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


serverRules( string ip, uint16 port )

Queries an individual game server directly via IP/Port to request the list of rules that the server is running. (See setKeyValue to set the rules on the server side.)

You must inherit from the ISteamMatchmakingRulesResponse object to receive this callback.

Returns: int

Read more in the official Steamworks SDK documentation


These callbacks require you to run Steam.run_callbacks() in your _process() function to receive them.



The server has failed to respond to a ping request.

Returns: void



The server has responded to a ping request.

Returns: server_details (dictionary)

Contains the following keys:

  • name (string)
  • connection_address (string)
  • query_address (string)
  • ping (int)
  • success_response (bool)
  • no_refresh (bool)
  • game_dir (string)
  • map (string)
  • description (string)
  • app_id (int)
  • players (int)
  • max_players (int)
  • bot_players (int)
  • password (bool)
  • secure (bool)
  • last_played (int)
  • server_version (int)
  • game_tags (string)
  • steam_id (uint64_t)



The server failed to respond to a player details request.

Returns: void



The server has responded to a player details request.


  • name (string)
  • score (int)
  • time_played (float)



The server has completed a player details request.

Returns: void



A server list request has completed.


  • request_handle (uint64_t)
  • response (int / MatchMakingServerResponse enum)



A server failed to respond to a list request.


  • request_handle (uint64_t)
  • server (int)



A server has responded to a list request.


  • request_handle (uint64_t)
  • server (int)



The server failed to respond with a rules request.

Returns: void



The server has completed a rules refresh.

Returns: void



The server responded with a rules request.


  • rule (string)
  • value (string)



Enumerator Value