Functions for clients to access matchmaking services, favorite servers, and to operate on game lobbies. See Steam Matchmaking & Lobbies for more information.
Only available in the main GodotSteam branches
addFavoriteGame( string
ip, uint16
port, uint16
queryPort, uint32
flags, uint32
lastPlayed )
Adds the game server to the local favorites list or updates the time played of the server if it already exists in the list.
Returns: int
addRequestLobbyListDistanceFilter( int
distance_filter )
Sets the physical distance for which we should search for lobbies, this is based on the user's IP address and an IP location map on the Steam backend.
See the LobbyDistanceFilter enum for possible values to pass in.
Returns: void
addRequestLobbyListFilterSlotsAvailable( int
slots_available )
Filters to only return lobbies with the specified number of open slots available.
Returns: void
addRequestLobbyListNearValueFilter( string
keyToMatch, int
valueToBeCloseTo )
Sorts the results closest to the specified value.
Near filters don't actually filter out values, they just influence how the results are sorted. You can specify multiple near filters, with the first near filter influencing the most, and the last near filter influencing the least.
Returns: void
addRequestLobbyListNumericalFilter( string
key_to_match, int
value_to_match, int
comparison_type )
Adds a numerical comparison filter to the next requestLobbyList call.
Returns: void
addRequestLobbyListResultCountFilter( int
max_results )
Sets the maximum number of lobbies to return. The lower the count the faster it is to download the lobby results & details to the client.
Returns: void
addRequestLobbyListStringFilter( string
key_to_match, string
value_to_match, int
comparison_type )
Adds a string comparison filter to the next requestLobbyList call.
Returns: void
createLobby( int
lobby_type, int
max_members )
Create a new matchmaking lobby.
Triggers all three callbacks: lobby_created, lobby_joined, and lobby_data_update.
Returns: void
If the results returned via the lobby_created call result indicate success then the lobby is joined and ready to use at this point.
deleteLobbyData( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id, string
key )
Removes a metadata key from the lobby.
This can only be done by the owner of the lobby.
This will only send the data if the key existed. There is a slight delay before sending the data so you can call this repeatedly to set all the data you need to and it will automatically be batched up and sent after the last sequential call.
Returns: bool
getAllLobbyData( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id )
Get lobby data by the lobby's ID.
Returns: dictionary
Containing the following keys:
- index (int)
- key (string)
- value (string)
Note: This is a GodotSteam specific function.
Gets the details of the favorite game server by index.
Returns: array
Containing a list of:
favorite (dictionary)
Contains the following keys:
- ret (bool)
- app (uint32)
- ip (string)
- game_port (uint16)
- query_port (uint16)
- flags (uint32)
- last_played (uint32)
getLobbyData( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id, string
key )
Gets the metadata associated with the specified key from the specified lobby.
Returns: string
Returns an empty string if no value is set for this key, or if steam_lobby_id is invalid.
Note: This can only get metadata from lobbies that the client knows about, either after receiving a list of lobbies from lobby_match_list, retrieving the data with requestLobbyData, or after joining a lobby.
getLobbyGameServer( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id )
Gets the details of a game server set in a lobby. Either the IP/Port or the Steam ID of the game server has to be valid, depending on how you want the clients to be able to connect.
Returns: dictionary
- ret (bool) - true if the lobby is valid and has a valid game server set; otherwise, false.
- ip (string)
- port (uint32)
- id (uint64_t)
getLobbyMemberByIndex( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id, int
member )
Gets the Steam ID of the lobby member at the given index.
Returns: int
Note: You must call getNumLobbyMembers before calling this.
Note: The current user must be in the lobby to retrieve the Steam IDs of other users in that lobby.
getLobbyMemberData( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id, uint64_t
steam_user_id, string
key )
Gets per-user metadata from another player in the specified lobby.
This can only be queried from members in lobbies that you are currently in.
Returns: string
Returns NULL if steam_lobby_id is invalid, or steam_user_id is not in the lobby. Returns an empty string if key is not set for the player.
getLobbyMemberLimit( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id )
The current limit on the number of users who can join the lobby.
Returns: int
getLobbyOwner( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id )
Returns the current lobby owner.
Returns: uint64_t
Note: You must be a member of the lobby to access this. There always one lobby owner - if the current owner leaves, another user in the lobby will become the owner automatically. It is possible (but rare) to join a lobby just as the owner is leaving, thus entering a lobby with self as the owner.
getNumLobbyMembers( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id )
Gets the number of users in a lobby.
This is used for iteration. After calling this then getLobbyMemberByIndex can be used to get the Steam ID of each person in the lobby. Persona information for other lobby members (name, avatar, etc.) is automatically received and accessible via the Friends class.
Returns: int
Note: The current user must be in the lobby to retrieve the Steam IDs of other users in that lobby.
inviteUserToLobby( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id, uint64_t
steam_id_invitee )
Invite another user to the lobby.
If the specified user clicks the join link, a join_requested callback will be posted if the user is in-game, or if the game isn't running yet then the game will be automatically launched with the command line parameter +connect_lobby <64-bit lobby Steam ID>
Returns: bool
joinLobby( int
steam_lobby_id )
Joins an existing lobby.
The lobby Steam ID can be obtained either from a search with requestLobbyList joining on a friend, or from an invite.
Triggers a lobby_joined callback for yourself and a lobby_chat_update callback for any other users already in the lobby.
Returns: void
leaveLobby( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id )
Leave a lobby that the user is currently in; this will take effect immediately on the client side, other users in the lobby will be notified by a lobby_chat_update callback.
Returns: void
removeFavoriteGame( uint32
app_id, string
ip, uint16
port, uint16
query_port, uint32
flags )
Removes the game server from the local favorites list.
Returns: bool
requestLobbyData( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id )
Refreshes all of the metadata for a lobby that you're not in right now.
You will never do this for lobbies you're a member of; that data will always be up to date. You can use this to refresh lobbies that you have obtained from requestLobbyList or that are available via friends.
Triggers a lobby_data_update callback.
Returns: bool
True if the request was successfully sent to the server. False if no connection to Steam could be made, or steam_lobby_id is invalid.
Get a filtered list of relevant lobbies.
There can only be one active lobby search at a time. The old request will be canceled if a new one is started. Depending on the user's connection to the Steam back-end, this call can take from 300ms to 5 seconds to complete, and has a timeout of 20 seconds.
Triggers a lobby_match_list callback.
Returns: void
Note: To filter the results you must call the addRequestLobbyList functions before calling this. The filters are cleared on each call to this function.
Note: If addRequestLobbyListDistanceFilter is not called, LOBBY_DISTANCE_FILTER_DEFAULT (1) will be used, which will only find matches in the same or nearby regions.
Note: This will only return lobbies that are not full, and only lobbies that are LOBBY_TYPE_PUBLIC (2) or LOBBY_TYPE_INVISIBLE (3), and are set to joinable with setLobbyJoinable.
sendLobbyChatMsg( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id, string
message_body )
Broadcasts a chat (text or binary data) message to the all of the users in the lobby. All users in the lobby (including the local user) will receive a lobby_message callback with the message.
For communication that needs to be arbitrated (for example having a user pick from a set of characters, and making sure only one user has picked a character), you can use the lobby owner as the decision maker. getLobbyOwner returns the current lobby owner. There is guaranteed to always be one and only one lobby member who is the owner. So for the choose-a-character scenario, the user who is picking a character would send the binary message 'I want to be Zoe', the lobby owner would see that message, see if it was OK, and broadcast the appropriate result (user X is Zoe).
These messages are sent via the Steam back-end, and so the bandwidth available is limited. For higher-volume traffic like voice or game data, you'll want to use the Steam Networking API.
Triggers a lobby_message callback.
Returns: bool
setLobbyData( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id, string
key, string
value )
Sets a key/value pair in the lobby metadata. This can be used to set the the lobby name, current map, game mode, etc.
This can only be set by the owner of the lobby. Lobby members should use setLobbyMemberData instead.
Each user in the lobby will be receive notification of the lobby data change via a lobby_data_update callback, and any new users joining will receive any existing data.
This will only send the data if it has changed. There is a slight delay before sending the data so you can call this repeatedly to set all the data you need to and it will automatically be batched up and sent after the last sequential call.
Returns: bool
True if the data has been set successfully. False if steam_lobby_id was invalid, or the key/value are too long.
setLobbyGameServer( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id, string
server_ip, uint16
server_port, uint64_t
steam_id_game_server )
Sets the game server associated with the lobby.
This can only be set by the owner of the lobby.
Either the IP/Port or the Steam ID of the game server must be valid, depending on how you want the clients to be able to connect.
A lobby_game_created callback will be sent to all players in the lobby, usually at this point, the users will join the specified game server.
Triggers a lobby_game_created callback.
Returns: void
setLobbyJoinable( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id, bool
joinable )
Sets whether or not a lobby is joinable by other players. This always defaults to enabled for a new lobby.
If joining is disabled, then no players can join, even if they are a friend or have been invited.
Lobbies with joining disabled will not be returned from a lobby search.
Returns: bool
True upon success; otherwise, false if you're not the owner of the lobby.
setLobbyMemberData( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id, string
key, string
value )
Sets per-user metadata for the local user.
Each user in the lobby will be receive notification of the lobby data change via a lobby_data_update callback, and any new users joining will receive any existing data.
There is a slight delay before sending the data so you can call this repeatedly to set all the data you need to and it will automatically be batched up and sent after the last sequential call.
Triggers a lobby_data_update callback.
Returns: void
setLobbyMemberLimit( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id, int
max_members )
Set the maximum number of players that can join the lobby.
This is also set when you create the lobby with createLobby.
This can only be set by the owner of the lobby.
Returns: bool
setLobbyOwner( uint64_t
steam_lobby_id, uint64_t
steam_id_new_owner )
Changes who the lobby owner is.
This can only be set by the owner of the lobby. This will trigger a lobby_data_update for all of the users in the lobby, each user should update their local state to reflect the new owner. This is typically accomplished by displaying a crown icon next to the owners name.
Triggers a lobby_data_update callback.
Returns: bool
setLobbyType( int
steam_lobby_id, int
eLobbyType )
Updates what type of lobby this is.
This is also set when you create the lobby with createLobby.
This can only be set by the owner of the lobby.
Returns: bool
These callbacks require you to run Steam.run_callbacks()
in your _process()
function to receive them.
Called when an account on your favorites list is updated.
- result (int)
A server was added/removed from the favorites list, you should refresh now.
- favorite (dictionary):
- ip (string)
- query_port (uint32)
- connection_port (uint32)
- app_id (uint32_t)
- flags (uint32)
- add (bool)
- account_id (uint32)
A lobby chat room state has changed, this is usually sent when a user has joined or left the lobby.
- lobby_id (uint64_t)
- changed_id (uint64_t)
- making_change_id (uint64_t)
- chat_state (uint32)
Result of our request to create a lobby. At this point, the lobby has been joined and is ready for use. A lobby_joined callback will also be received (since the user is joining their own lobby).
- connect (int) as Result enum
- lobby (uint64_t)
The lobby metadata has changed.
If member_id
is a user in the lobby, then use getLobbyMemberData to access per-user details; otherwise, if member_id == lobby_id
, use getLobbyData to access the lobby metadata.
- success (uint8)
- lobby_id (uint64_t)
- member_id (uint64_t)
A game server has been set via setLobbyGameServer for all of the members of the lobby to join. It's up to the individual clients to take action on this; the typical game behavior is to leave the lobby and connect to the specified game server; but the lobby may stay open throughout the session if desired.
- lobby_id (uint64_t)
- server_id (uint64_t)
- server_ip (uint32)
- port (uint16)
Someone has invited you to join a lobby. Normally you don't need to do anything with this, as the Steam UI will also display a 'user has invited you to the lobby, join?' notification and message.
- inviter (uint64_t)
- lobby (uint64_t)
- game (uint64_t)
Recieved upon attempting to enter a lobby. Lobby metadata is available to use immediately after receiving this.
- lobby_id (uint64_t)
- permissions (uint32_t) (unused; always 0)
- locked (bool)
- response (uint32_t) as ChatRoomEnterResponse enum
Posted if a user is forcefully removed from a lobby; can occur if a user loses connection to Steam.
- lobby_id (uint64_t)
- admin_id (uint64_t)
- due_to_disconnect (uint8)
Result when requesting the lobby list.
Emits signal in response to function requestLobbyList.
- lobbies (array) as lobby IDs (uint64_t)
Notes: With the GDNative plug-in, this callback will also send back the lobby count as an integer; this fixes a very strange issue with GDNative mangling the lobbies array.
A chat (text or binary) message for this lobby has been received.
- lobby_id (uint64_t)
- user (uint64_t)
- buffer (string)
- chat_type (int)
Enumerator | Value |
Enumerator | Value |
Enumerator | Value |
Enumerator | Value |