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Godot 3.x

A history of all to the godot3 branch.

Version 3.27

  • Added: buffer_size argument to decompressVoice with default of original value
  • Added: missing user_achievement_icon_fetched signal bind
  • Changed: now using Steam Flat API, should allow compiling with MinGW
  • Changed: updated in-editor docs
  • Changed: steamworksError to steamworks_signal_error internally, now prints to editor
  • Changed: deprecated getAvailableVoice, merged functionality into getVoice
  • Fixed: proper type for network_connection_status_changed, thanks to stickyShift
  • Fixed: getResultItemProperty now takes empty string to send all property list, thanks to Stralor
  • Fixed: missing return value hints from lobby_data_update
  • Fixed: fixed typo in RESULT_ADMINISTRATOR_OK, thanks to sepTN
  • Fixed: fixed a variety of types and code corrections, thanks to bobsayhilol
  • Fixed: issue with setItemTags
  • Fixed: get_app_dependencies_result now passed back app_ids array
  • Fixed: both global stat history functions - getGlobalStatIntHistory and getGlobalStatFloatHistory

Version 3.26

  • Added: missing user_achievement_icon_fetched callback
  • Added: new functions and enums to Apps class
  • Added: new Steam Timeline class functions, enums, and constants
  • Added: new functions to UGC class
  • Added: new enum BetaBranchFlags
  • Added: new value NETWORKING_CONFIG_IP_LOCAL_HOST_ALLOW_WITHOUT_AUTH for NetworkingConfigValue enum
  • Changed: updated for Steamworks SDK 1.60
  • Changed: network_messages_session_failed callback now returns the Steam ID associated with the user whose session failed
  • Changed: global_stats_received had call result name change under-the-hood, does not affect anything
  • Changed: sendMessages() now returns the message result
  • Changed: getQueryUGCResult() now passes back additional value total_files_size
  • Changed: enum RemoteStoragePlatform now cast as uint32_t, fixes Rust compatibility, thanks to GreenFox
  • Changed: item_installed signal now returns additional data - legacy_content and manifest_id
  • Fixed: incorrect signal name for inventory_definition_update, thanks to Foxushka

Version 3.25

  • Added: Steam Matchmaking response handlers, thanks to jeremybeier
  • Added: all missing Messages and Sockets constants
  • Changed: Networking Messages, Sockets, and Utils now use Steam IDs instead of identity system
  • Changed: UserUGCListSortOrder enums for readability
  • Changed: UGCContentDescriptorID enums for readability
  • Changed: getResultStatus() now returns the integer / enum
  • Changed: cleaned up addItemPreviewFile(), check_file_signature, and showGamepadTextInput()
  • Changed: various bits and pieces
  • Changed: IP logic for all related functions
  • Changed: addFavoriteGame(), initiateGameConnection(), terminateGameConnection(), and removeFavoriteGame() now take strings for IP
  • Changed: getAuthSessionTicket() now defaults to 0 for Steam ID
  • Changed: IP address now accepted instead of IP references
  • Fixed: getFriendCount() has correct bit-wise value
  • Fixed: server browser functionality, thanks to jeremybeier
  • Fixed: wrong string IP conversions, thanks to jeremybeier
  • Fixed: server list request filters, thanks to jeremybeier
  • Fixed: typo with UGC_MATCHING_UGC_TYPE_ITEMS enum
  • Fixed: minor case issue with Workshop enums
  • Fixed: playerDetails(), requestFavoritesServerList(), requestInternetServerList(), requestSpectatorServerList(), requestFriendsServerList(), requestHistoryServerList(), and pingServer(), thanks to jeremybeier
  • Fixed: regressions caused by minor update
  • Fixed: typo with NETWORKING_CONFIG_TYPE_STRING enum
  • Fixed: in-editor docs
  • Removed: Networking Types identity system and related bits
  • Removed: P2P Networking constants as they are duplicates of the P2PSend enum
  • Removed: previous, non-functioning Matchmaking Server call results
  • Removed: getIdentity() as it is redundant now

Version 3.24

  • Changed: internal argument for executeJavascript() to match godot4
  • Changed: returned values for getFriendGamePlayed(), thanks to SlejmUr
  • Changed: getItemPrice() now returns base price and price, thanks to SlejmUr
  • Changed: getFriendMessage() and callback connected_friend_chat_message now returns the type, thanks to SlejmUr
  • Changed: updated in-editor docs with changes
  • Changed: minor organizational things, variable naming, etc.
  • Fixed: missing info_flags key in getSessionConnectionInfo(), thanks to SlejmUr
  • Fixed: getServerDetails() not sending back needed struct, thanks to SlejmUr
  • Removed: unused internal variables

Version 3.23.1

  • Added: internal notes about where enums are found
  • Added: minor extra helper functions from Steam's client header
  • Added: getSteamID32() function to convert SteamID64 to SteamID
  • Changed: replaced deprecated Controller struct with Inputs struct in getDigitalActionData()
  • Changed: in-editor docs
  • Changed: leaderboard details max now set at highest instead of zero by default
  • Fixed: incorrect constant for PUBLISHED_FILE_UPDATE_HANDLE_INVALID
  • Fixed: getAllLobbyData() sending back all pairs, thanks to freehuntx

Version 3.23

  • Added: new Remote Storage enum to WorkshopFileType
  • Added: two new UGC enums to ItemState and ItemPreviewType
  • Added: two new Friends class constants
  • Added: new function dismissGamepadTextInput()
  • Added: new Remote Play enum, form factor for VR headset
  • Added: two new result enums; not supported and family size limit exceeded
  • Added: three new enums to NetworkingConfigValue
  • Added: new general constant ACCOUNT_ID_INVALID
  • Changed: FEATURE_KIOSK_MODE enum now deprecated
  • Changed: minor housekeeping by rearranging some functions
  • Changed: k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_DebugTicketAddress was replaced by k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_DevTicket, value is the same but reference changed
  • Changed: updated in-editor docs
  • Fixed: spelling error in getProfileItemPropertyInt() bind
  • Removed: App Lists class functions, callbacks, etc. due to SDK 1.59 changes
  • Removed: Remote Play enums mistakenly added as constants

Version 3.22.4

  • Added: missing k_nSteamNetworkingSend_AutoRestartBrokenSession to constants
  • Added: two missing Input constants: INPUT_HANDLE_ALL_CONTROLLERS and INPUT_MAX_ACTIVE_LAYERS
  • Changed: getInputTypeForHandle() now returns int / enum instead of string for device models
  • Changed: updated in-editor docs for missing content
  • Changed: order of constants to be alphabetic
  • Changed: changed returned variable name to need_to_accept_tos in item_updated callback
  • Changed: Github Actions scripts, one for Vulkan and another for version numbers

Version 3.22.3

  • Changed: moved constants to separate file like in Godot 4.x branches
  • Fixed: backported fixes for in-editor docs, thanks to sepTN
  • Fixed: requestClanOfficerList() using wrong internal function, thanks to _sepTN

Version 3.22.2

  • Fixed: app ID automatically being set to 480, now default is 0 which makes GodotSteam ignore auto-setting app ID

Version 3.22.1

  • Added: two new arguments to steamInit() and steamInitEx() to set your app ID and run_callbacks interally, thanks to GreenFox
  • Fixed: issue with callback that caused compiling failure in Linux

Version 3.22

  • Added: two Music class callbacks
  • Changed: generateItems(), exchangeItems(), getItemsByID(), and startPurchase() all list-based arguments are now PoolIntArrays
  • Changed: getItemsByID() now takes one argument, counts the elements in the passed array instead
  • Changed: getItemsWithPrices() no longer requires any arguments passed to it
  • Changed: in-editor docs have been updated
  • Fixed: getResultItems() now returns all item data
  • Fixed: missing DEFVAL for steamInitEx()
  • Fixed: Joy Con name in getInputTypeForHandle()
  • Removed: getNumItemsWithPrices() as it was unnecessary

Version 3.21.3

  • Fixed: requestEquippedProfileItems() was missing method bind, thanks to BOTLANNER
  • Fixed: get_ticket_for_web_api callback for getting actual ticket buffer, thanks to dicarne
  • Fixed: compiler complaining about comparison between Steam enum and GodotSteam enum for steamInitEx()
  • Fixed: getListenSocketAddress() fixed to provide the actual address and optional port
  • Changed: createBrowser() now sends proper NULL when empty string passed
  • Changed: html_browser_ready from callback to proper call result
  • Changed: cast handle in setSize() as Steam HHTMLBrowser
  • Removed: unnecessary steam_appid.txt from zips in Github Actions

Version 3.21.2

  • Fixed: missing descriptions for some in-editor functions/signals
  • Fixed: receiveMessagesOnChannel(), receiveMessagesOnPollGroup(), and receiveMessagesOnConnection() had overwriting dictionary keys

Version 3.21

  • Added: new enums and constant related to new Steam initialization function
  • Added: new enums for NetworkingConfigValue
  • Added: new intialization function steamInitEx() that is more verbose
  • Added: new UGC function getUserContentDescriptorPreferences()
  • Added: new Remote Play function startRemotePlayTogether()
  • Changed: UGC functionsetItemTags() to have new argument for admin tags
  • Changed: compatible with Steamworks SDK 1.58
  • Changed: in-editor docs now reflect all
  • Fixed: gamepad_text_input_dismissed signal passing back string instead of int for app_id

Version 3.20.1

  • Fixed: wrong variant type for join_requested

Version 3.20

  • Added: full GodotSteam documentation into the editor
  • Added: steamShutdown() to allow Steamworks to be manually shutdown
  • Added: requestEquippedProfileItems() function and equipped_profile_items callback
  • Added: Steam Deck as Steam Input typ
  • Changed: all enums are now directly linked to their SDK counterparts
  • Changed: getDigitalActionData() returned keys are now state and active
  • Changed: names of some Steam enums to be cleaner and leaner
  • Changed: getAppInstallDir() now returns dictionary with absolute path and install size
  • Fixed: some missing enum binds
  • Fixed: missing function argument binds
  • Removed: enums that are not in the SDK but Valve's docs

Version 3.19.3

  • Added: new Input callback input_gamepad_slot_change
  • Added: new User callback get_ticket_for_web_api
  • Added: new User function getAuthTicketForWebApi()
  • Changed: getAuthSessionTicket() argument is now optional, defaults to NULL

Version 3.19.2

  • Added: new return values for overlay_toggled; this will break compatibility with this
  • Added: new Input and Parental Settings enums
  • Added: new UGC Content Descriptor ID enums
  • Added: new UGC functions removeContentDescriptor(), addContentDescriptor(), and getQueryUGCContentDescriptors()
  • Added: new signal filter_text_dictionary_changed
  • Changed: getAuthSessionTicket() now uses networking identities
  • Changed: gamepad_text_input_dismissed now passes back the app ID
  • Changed: Steam Input max analog and digital actions values
  • Removed: ERegisterActivationCodeResult due to removal in SDK

Version 3.19.1

  • Fixed: issue with UGC tags occasionally getting lost upon update, thanks to EIREXE

Version 3.19

  • Changed: various backports from godot4 branch
  • Fixed: various lobby list functions now return the server_list_request handle
  • Fixed: need for file on some Linux systems, thanks to mikix
  • Fixed: typo in returned dictionary for createSocketPair()
  • Fixed: requestInternetServerList() causing crashes

Version 3.18.5

  • Fixed: createListenSocketP2P()
  • Fixed: other issues with reading array size

Version 3.18.4

  • Changed: documentation updates for Doxygen, thanks to Ralian
  • Removed: isCyberCafe() function

Version 3.18.3

  • Added: networking type message constants
  • Added: more descriptions and tutorial links to in-editor docs
  • Fixed: getLobbyData() not returning UTF-8 encoded string
  • Fixed: sendLobbyChatMsg() truncating non-English strings
  • Removed: MarketingMessageFlags as they don't exist in the header files

Version 3.18.2

  • Changed: minor internal variable names
  • Fixed: filterText() truncating input; thanks to tcoxon

Version 3.18.1

  • Added: link to SDK placeholder
  • Added: more descriptions to in-editor docs
  • Fixed: some regressions that made their way into 3.18

Version 3.18

  • Added: avatar_image_loaded callback to get raw response from Steamworks
  • Changed: project layout to be Git clone friendly
  • Fixed: incorrectly named io_failure for steamworks_error signal, thanks to raulsntos
  • Fixed: getSessionConnectionInfo() using old networking struct
  • Removed: unused networking stricts

Version 3.17.5

  • Changed: submitItemUpdate() to use null if no notes are passed, thanks to mashumafi
  • Removed: unused server signals

Version 3.17.4

  • Changed: leaderboard_scores_downloaded and leaderboard_score_updated now pass back their handles; this is incompatible with earlier versions
  • Fixed: issue where leaderboard_score_uploaded would not fire if passed leaderboard_handle was not internally stored

Version 3.17.3

  • Fixed: getVoice() and getAvailableVoice() functions
  • Removed: all server functionality, put back into server branch

Version 3.17.2

  • Fixed: location data structs for new Networking classes, thanks to Kryx-Ikyr

Version 3.17.1

  • Fixed: missing comma in getVideoURL() argument function
  • Fixed: argument name mismatch with file_details_result
  • Fixed: wrong int type for inventory update handle
  • Fixed: not casting app ID for addFavoriteGame()
  • Fixed: wrong int type for server ID in getLobbyGameServer()
  • Fixed: not casting account ID for createQueryUserUGCRequest()

Version 3.17

  • Added: new functions, enums for Steamworks SDK 1.55
  • Fixed: getPublicIP() in Game Servers class

Version 3.16.1

  • Fixed: issues with getPSNID() and getStadiaID() functions when compiling on Linux

Version 3.16

  • Added: new enums for Community Profile item types and properties in Friends class
  • Added: new functions hasEquippedProfileItem(), getProfileItemPropertyString(), and getProfileItemPropertyInt() in Friends class
  • Added: new callbacks/signals equipped_profile_items_changed and equipped_profile_items in Friends class
  • Added: new networking identity types
  • Added: new functions setXboxPairwiseID(), getXboxPairwiseID(), setPSNID(), getPSNID(), setStadiaID(), and getStadiaID() to Networking Types class
  • Changed: minor correction to createListenSocketP2P() in attempt to fix possible crash

Version 3.15

  • Changed: sendMessageToConnection() and sendMessages() now take PoolByteArrays to send any data
  • Fixed: issue with receiving messages, now allows more than one at a time; thanks to Frostings
  • Fixed: getQueryUGCChildren() not working correctly; thanks to EIREXE

Version 3.14

  • Added: inventory handle argument to various Inventory class functions, defaults to 0 to use internally store argument
  • Changed: various Inventory class functions to send back the new inventory handle as well as storing it internally
  • Fixed: various string issues; thanks to Green Fox
  • Fixed: file_read_async_complete call result not sending back the file buffer
  • Fixed: missing variant type for avatar_loaded signal
  • Fixed: enumerate_following_list calling the wrong signal name
  • Fixed: print of Steamworks error didn't contain signal name
  • Fixed: some variable and argument names
  • Fixed: deserializeResult() to accept incoming PoolByteArray buffer
  • Fixed: various message functions in new networking classes; thanks to Avantir-Chaosfire

Version 3.13.3

  • Fixed: get correct size of lobby message in sendLobbyChatMsg(); thanks to GreenFox

Version 3.13.2

  • Fixed: various functions and callbacks that sent back scrambled IP addresses

Version 3.13.1

  • Changed: all HTML Surface functions can now have the handle passed to them or not; will use internal handle if not passed
  • Changed: all HTML Surface callbacks now send back their browser handles, if applicable
  • Changed: fileWrite() and fileWriteAsync() now allow you to pass size or not; will determine if not passed
  • Fixed: fileWrite() and fileWriteAsync() passing wrong byte array size

Version 3.13

  • Added: missing function getPlaybackStatus() to Music class
  • Added: missing function setDurationControlOnlineState() to Users class
  • Added: missing signals for Matchmaking Servers
  • Added: missing PropertyInfo data for signals
  • Changed: serverInit() now takes the individual arguments and no longer a dictionary of arguments
  • Changed: getAppName(), getAppListInstallDir(), and getAppListBuildId() in App Lists to use uint32_t instead of uint32
  • Changed: initGameServer() to use correct arguments
  • Changed: all signal / callback names for Game Server class to lower-case to match the all others
  • Changed: server_connect_failure, policy_response, client_group_status callback to match function names
  • Changed: various variables in Game Server class callbacks to match the others
  • Changed: setMaxPlayerCount() argument to players_max from max to be more clear
  • Changed: setPasswordProtected() argument to password_protected from password to be more clear
  • Changed: call result / signal stat_received to stats_received
  • Changed: createCookieContainer() now sends back the cookie_handle
  • Changed: checkResultSteamID() changed argument name to match
  • Changed: getItemsWithPrices() return dictionary name
  • Changed: getAppID() now returns uint32_t
  • Changed: getFavoriteGames() to have more distinct port names in return dictionary
  • Changed: some returned types and argument types to better match their Steamworks counterparts
  • Changed: names of some keys and some integer types in getQueryUGCResult() return dictionary
  • Changed: keys in getBeaconDetails() return dictionary to be more clear
  • Changed: removed data_size argument from various Remote Storage functions and get size internally
  • Changed: playerDetails() and serverRules() IP argument to a string
  • Changed: various Networking Messages, Networking Sockets, and Networking Utils functions to use internal struct system with Networking Type functions
  • Changed: a variety of miscellaneous small and corrections
  • Fixed: some missing function binds
  • Fixed: lobby_message callback data, thanks to kongo555
  • Fixed: missing default value for getAvailableP2PPacketSize(), readP2PPacket(), sendP2PPacket()
  • Fixed: getAnalogActionData() so the return dictionary has the right keys
  • Fixed: getUserSteamFriends(), getUserSteamGroups() to give the correct Steam ID back
  • Fixed: getFriendGamePlayed() using wrong key name in return dictionary
  • Fixed: toIdentityString() to provide the correct string data
  • Fixed: parseIdentityString() to properly parse back the string data
  • Fixed: getSesssionConnectionInfo() now passes back all data
  • Fixed: getLocalPingLocation() should return both the ping and location ID in a dictionary
  • Fixed: getPingToDataCenter(), getPOPList(), parsePingLocationString(), closeConnection(), getAuthenticationStatus(), getConnectionInfo(), createSocketPair() functions
  • Removed: requestAllProofOfPurchaseKeys() and requestAppProofOfPurchaseKey() as they are deprecated
  • Removed: gameplay_stats signal from Game Server class as it wasn't connected to anything
  • Removed: getUserDataFolder() as it is deprecated
  • Removed: leading _ in front of callbacks and call results internally
  • Removed: initGameServer() as it is unnecessary
  • Removed: connectByIPAddress(), isPingMeasurementInProgress(), setLinkedLobby() as they are not in the SDK

Version 3.12.1

  • Fixed: incorrect case on app_installed and app_uninstalled, thanks to craftablescience

Version 3.12

  • Added: missing D_METHOD to all functions, should show the right argument names in-editor
  • Added: Input origin enums for PS5 and Steam Deck
  • Added: Input Types, Input Glyph Style, Input Glyph Size, and Input Configuration Enable Type enums
  • Added: getConnectionRealTimeStatus(), configureConnectionLanes(), connectP2PCustomSignaling(), receivedP2PCustomSignal(), getCertificateRequest(), setCertificate(), resetIdentity(), runNetworkingCallbacks(), beginAsyncRequestFakeIP(), getFakeIP(), createListenScoketP2PFakeIP(), getRemoveFakeIPForConnection(), and createFakeUDPPort() functions and callback to NetworkingSockets class
  • Added: dismissFloatingGamepadTextInput() function to Utils class
  • Added: setTimeCreatedDateRange() and setTimeUpdatedDateRange() to UGC class
  • Added: NetworkingeDebugOutputType enums for NetworkingUtils
  • Added: missing constant binds for Server API, OverlayToWebPageMode
  • Fixed: minor compiler warnings
  • Fixed: empty file hash being returned by file_details_result callback
  • Fixed: a variety of small bugs and possible crashes, thanks to qarmin
  • Fixed: missing binds for getFriendsGroupName(), getFriendsGroupMembersList(), getFriendsGroupIDByIndex(), getFriendsGroupCount(), getFriendMessage(), getFriendCoplayTime(), getFriendCoplayGame(), getCoplayFriendCount(), getCoplayFriend(), getClanTag(), getClanName(), getClanCount(), getClanChatMessage(), getClanByIndex(), getClanActivityCounts(), fileWriteAsync(), fileWriteStreamCancel(), fileWriteStreamClose(), fileWriteStreamOpen(), fileWriteStreamWriteChunk(), getCachedUGCCount(), getUGCDownloadProgress(), getUGCDetails(), fileReadAsync(), getOPFSettings(), getOPFStringForApp(), getVideoURL(), isBroadcasting() functions
  • Fixed: setPNGIcon() and updateCurrentEntryCoverArt() in Music Remote class
  • Fixed: missing getUGCDetails() and getUGCDownloadProgress() functions
  • Changed: updated doc_class file for in-editor documentation
  • Changed: updated to Steamworks 1.53
  • Changed: lobby_data_update, removed lobby data queries as they should be done manually
  • Changed: minor tweaks under-the-hood
  • Changed: various generic 'int' to their actual types
  • Changed: renamed servers and server stats to game server and game server stats respectively, to match SDK
  • Changed: SteamNetworkingQuickConnectionStatus to SteamNetConnectionRealTimeStatus_t per Steamworks SDK 1.53, causes a break in previous GodotSteam versions
  • Changed: getConfigValueInfo(), removed name and next value from return dictionary as they are no longer passed by function in SDK 1.53
  • Changed: rearranged functions in godotsteam.cpp class binds to match [godotsteam.h] order
  • Changed: enum constant binds to match [godotsteam.h] enum order
  • Removed: unused callback new_launch_query_parameters, broadcast_upload_start, broadcast_upload_stop
  • Removed: allocateMessage() as it shouldn't be used solo
  • Removed: getQuickConnectionStatus() and getFirstConfigValue() as they were removed from SDK 1.53
  • Removed: setDebugOutputFunction() from Networking Utils

Version 3.11.1

  • Removed: unused structs

Version 3.11

  • Added: server branch merged into master
  • Changed: spacing in default arguments in [godotsteam.h]
  • Removed: SteamGameServer_RunCallbacks() function

Version 3.10.5

  • Added: more helper functions for newer networking classes, translations for steamnetworkingtypes
  • Fixed: lots of compiler warnings on Linux, thanks to gregcsokas

Version 3.10.4

  • Added: new helper functions for newer networking classes, translations for steamnetworkingtypes
  • Fixed: default argument inputInit function, thanks to hhyyrylainen

Version 3.10.3

  • Changed: various internal variable / arguments names for clarity, will affect signal-returned dictionaries

Version 3.10.2

  • Removed: not logged in as error condition in steamInit() function

Version 3.10.1

  • Changed: various compilation errors for OSX, thanks to SapphireMH
  • Removed: receiveRelayAuthTicket(), findRelayAuthTicketForServer(), getHostedDedicatedServerAddress(), and getGameCoordinatorServerLogin() as they rely on datagram header that was removed from base SDK

Version 3.10

  • Added: various Steam Deck specific functions, thanks to EIREXE
  • Added: new AppLists class of functions and callbacks
  • Added: new or missing App functions, callbacks, and enums
  • Added: OverlayToWebPageMode enum and unread_chat_messages_changed callback for Friends class
  • Added: new Input functions and callbacks
  • Added: new Parental Settings fuctions, callback, and enums
  • Added: new Remote Storage functions, callback, and enums
  • Added: new UGC functions, callbacks, and enum
  • Added: memory allocation corrections
  • Changed: updated various Input class functions
  • Changed: lots of argument names internally, has no effect on usage
  • Fixed: some enum names
  • Fixed: various server list filter functions in Matchmaking Servers class
  • Fixed: receivedRelayAuthTicket(), getGameCoordinatorServerLogin(), FindRelayAuthTicketForServer() in Networking Sockets class
  • Removed: second call for steam_api.h in godotsteam.cpp

Version 3.9.7

  • Added: two Matchmaking Server call results
  • Added: requestHandle() to various HTTP functions so handle can be passed
  • Added: new internal variables for Matchmaking Servers
  • Added: setSyncPlatforms() in Remote Storage, actual function was missing
  • Changed: serverRequest() is now serverListRequest()
  • Changed: various HTTP callbacks now return cookieHandle as well
  • Fixed: issue where lobby chat messages were truncated for every accented character used
  • Fixed: pingServer(), playerDetails(), serverRules() functions in Matchmaking Servers
  • Fixed: receiveMessagesOnChannel(), receiveMessagesOnPollGroup(), receiveMessagesOnConnection() in Networking Sockets, should now return an array of messages
  • Fixed: connectByIPAddress(), createSocketPair() in Networking Sockets
  • Fixed: network_messages_session_request callback, now provides identity of remote host
  • Fixed: network_connection_status_changed callback, now provides the full connection information
  • Removed: unnecessary bool from setLeaderboardDetailsMax()

Version 3.9.6

  • Added: ability to provide different locations for custom modules, thanks to dsnopek
  • Changed: gamepad_text_input_dismissed to return submitted boolean and use UTF8 string, thanks to EIREXE

Version 3.9.5

  • Added: setLeaderboardDetailsMax() function back in to set the internal details variable
  • Fixed: leaderboard_scores_downloaded sigal to provide the actual details for leaderboard results

Version 3.9.4

  • Fixed: conversion issue in getGlobalStatInt() and getGlobalStatIntHistory() that caused compiling failure on Linux

Version 3.9.3

  • Changed: restored getGlobalStatInt() and getGlobalStatIntHistory() functions

Version 3.9.2

  • Added: getNextMostAchievedAchievementInfo() function, moved out of getMostAchievedAchievementInfo()
  • Fixed: getMostAchievedAchievementInfo() causing a crash

Version 3.9.1

  • Added: documentation to P2P functions, constants, and signals; thanks to blaze-the-star
  • Fixed: destroyResult() and getResultItemProperty() being bound to the wrong functions
  • Fixed: incorrect function bind from pull request
  • Removed: unused C++ line from for Mac, which caused compiling issues
  • Removed: storeStats() from setAchievement(), resetAllStats() as it should be called manually after them
  • Removed: requestCurrentStats() from storeStats() as it should be called manually

Version 3.9

  • Added: new UGC functions addRequiredTagGroup(), getQueryUGCNumTags(), getQueryUGCTag(), getQueryUGCTagDisplayName()
  • Added: new Friends function activateGameOverlayInviteDialogConnectString()
  • Added: default values to leaderboard functions, you can now pass handles for specific leaderboards or use the internally-stored, last-called handle
  • Added: multiple controller types from Input function getInputTypeForHandle()
  • Changed: minor readability to function arguments and defaults
  • Changed: additional spacing and readability to overall module
  • Changed: replaced leaderboardDetailsMax with k_cLeaderboardDetailsMax
  • Changed: applied EIREXE's UTF-16 fix module-wide
  • Changed: minor corrections to comments and added missing comments
  • Changed: some additional code to some call results and callbacks
  • Changed: metadata length for UGC to 5000 from 255, thanks to EIREXE
  • Changed: beginAuthSession() to use new auth function arguments
  • Changed: cancelAuthTicket() to actually use the Steamworks function
  • Fixed: renamed addItemToFavorite() to addItemToFavorites() to match SDK
  • Fixed: incorrect class check in some UGC functions
  • Fixed: minor corrections to various functions
  • Fixed: destroyResult() and getResultItemProperty() being bound to the wrong functions
  • Removed: setLeaderboardDetailsMax() as it is unnecessary
  • Removed: getAuthSessionTicketID() as it is no longer useful due to auth function

Version 3.8.2

  • Added: different avatar constants
  • Changed: array deletions for Clang, thanks to SapphireMH
  • Changed: initializing char text, thanks to SapphireMH
  • Fixed: createQueryUserUGCRequest() being commented out accidentally
  • Fixed: logic check for setOverlayNotificationPosition(), thanks to SapphireMH
  • Fixed: UTF8 not being handled correctly in some UGC functions, thanks to EIREXE

Version 3.8.1

  • Added: extra newline beween each class section for readability
  • Added: new signal, steamworks_error, currently used for call results failures
  • Changed: cleared most items from to-do list
  • Changed: getSyncPlatforms() now returns a dictionary with the bitwise and full name version of the platform
  • Changed: separated callbacks and call results in the godotsteam.cpp into two categories

Version 3.8

  • Added: default argument to steamInit() to pull all current stats or not, defaults to true so no one has to change anything
  • Added: new SteamNetworkingMessages class; with functions, callbacks, constants, and enums
  • Added: all missing functions due to 5 argument limit in Godot
  • Changed: filterText updated to match new SDK 1.50 function
  • Changed: HTTP class setCookie() to setHTTPCookie() to prevent confusion with HTML setCookie()
  • Changed: moved fileLoadDialogReponse() into html_file_open_dialog callback as it must follow the call anyway
  • Fixed: retrieveConnectionDetails() and getAllLobbyData() functions
  • Fixed: (probably) various NetworkingSockets and NetworkingUtils functions

Version 3.7

  • Added: Networking Sockets class - all functions, enums, structs, and callbacks (still beta in Steamworks)
  • Added: Networking Utils class - all functions, enums, structs, and callbacks (still beta in Steamworks)
  • Added: Game Search callbacks, enums, and functions
  • Added: missing Steam Parties functions
  • Changed: bIOFailure argument naming in godotsteam.cpp to ioFailure
  • Fixed: issue where Cyrillic characters did not display correctly or at all
  • Fixed: call result for JoinParty(), was previously callback
  • Removed: since it fixes one issue but creates additional issues

Version 3.6.1

  • Changed: function getLobbyDataByIndex() to getAllLobbyData()
  • Changed: commented out getAllLobbyData() until crash is fixed
  • Fixed: issue where not having the game installed or owning the game caused a crash

Version 3.6

  • Added: newest functions for Apps, Friends, and UserStats
  • Added: all functions and callbacks for Videos
  • Added: MinGW patch file for people using MinGW, thanks to MichaelBelousov
  • Added: all remaining Remote Storage, Utils, and Users functions and callbacks
  • Changed: some User callbacks were actually call results
  • Changed: moved callback code block to end of function block in godotsteam.cpp
  • Fixed: incorrect signal link for unsubscribe_item and subscribe_item callbacks

Version 3.5

  • Added: all Music Remote functions, callbacks, enums, and constants
  • Added: all Parties functions, callbacks, enums, and constants
  • Added: placeholders for function classes not added yet
  • Changed: minor tweaks to layout, comments, etc.
  • Changed: swapped getAuthSessionTicketID() and getAuthSessionTicket() to make more sense
  • Changed: moved pragma into Windows if
  • Fixed: getAuthSessionTicket() to properly give buffer, thanks to EIREXE

Version 3.4.1

  • Added: organization separators for all binds
  • Changed: enums are now callable as constants in Godot
  • Changed: case on enums
  • Fixed: some mis-spelling in enums

Version 3.4

  • Added: getAuthSessionTicketID() to aquire additional ticket data
  • Added: additional pragma to silence offset warnings in Steamworks SDK itself
  • Changed: steamInit() status results to use internal enums
  • Changed: getLeaderboardSortMethod() now returns a dictionary with result and verbal response
  • Changed: getLeaderboardDisplayType() now returns a dictionary with result and verbal response
  • Changed: getLeaderboardEntries() to have a default failure response
  • Changed: leaderboard_scores_downloaded callback now incorporates getDownloadLeaderboardEntry() to streamline process, callback returns the result array now
  • Changed: complete overhaul of enums and constants
  • Changed: leaderboardDetailsMax default from 0 to 10
  • Fixed: various void functions
  • Fixed: casting for addRequestLobbyListNumericalFilter(), addRequestLobbyListStringFilter(), addRequestLobbyListDistanceFilter()
  • Fixed: setItemTags(), thanks to EIREXE
  • Fixed: missing publishedFileID in return from GetQueryUGCResult()
  • Fixed: getGlobalStatInt() and getGlobalStatIntHistory()
  • Removed: getLeaderboardHandle() as redundant
  • Removed: getDownloadedLeaderboardEntry() as it should not be called manually, has been added to leaderboard_scores_download callback

Version 3.3.2

  • Added: all Inventory functions, callbacks, and enums
  • Added: rule to suppress MSVC-only warning about strcpy
  • Fixed: minor corrections to Inputs, especially those copied over from Controllers (deprecated)
  • Fixed: tons of warnings for callbacks in Unix compiling
  • Fixed: printf warnings for int
  • Removed: unnecessary browserHandle argument from HTML functions
  • Removed: unnecessary browserHandle returns from HTML callbacks
  • Removed: unnecessary cookieHandle argument from HTTP functions
  • Removed: unnecessary cookieHandle returns from HTTP callbacks

Version 3.3.1

  • Added: all HTML Surface functions, callbacks, and enums
  • Added: all HTTP functions, callbacks, and enums
  • Changed: sendRemotePlayTogetherInvite() now works since it was added back to the SDK
  • Fixed: (probably) output for getLaunchCommandLine()

Version 3.3

  • Added: all Steam Input functions; used to be Steam Controller
  • Added: all Steam Input constants
  • Added: new Apps functions
  • Added: missing Friends functions
  • Added: missing Screenshots functions
  • Added: all missing Screenshot constants
  • Changed: removed Steam Controller as it is now deprecated
  • Changed: split up call results and callbacks in [godotsteam.h] for editing ease
  • Changed: user_stats_received to current_stats_received for requestCurrentStats() callback / signal
  • Changed: sorted Apps and Friends functions alphabetically like Steamworks Docs to find new functions easier
  • Changed: getAchievementIcon(); now returns the handle
  • Changed: getInputTypeForHandle() to output verbose controller type
  • Changed: SteamInput function init to inputInit()
  • Changed: SteamInput function shutdown to inputShutdown()
  • Removed: user_achievement_icon_fetched signal / callback as it is never called

Version 3.2.1

  • Added: back some needed UGC constants
  • Changed: int to uint32 in some for loops
  • Fixed: compiling issues on Linux

Version 3.2.0

  • Added: all remaining UGC functions and callbacks
  • Added: all new Remote Play functions and callbacks
  • Added: remaining UGC constants and enums
  • Added: relevant Remote Storage callbacks for UGC
  • Added: back some needed UGC constants
  • Changed: renamed some UGC enums for consistency
  • Changed: getItemDownloadInfo() to give proper default return
  • Fixed: a few missing default returns
  • Removed: non-listed UGC enums

Version 3.1

  • Added: all remaining User Stats functions
  • Added: missing User Stats constants, mostly leaderboard stuff
  • Added: missing default return values in some functions
  • Changed: getAchievementAndUnlockTime() to return actual data
  • Changed: user_achievement_icon_fetched callback to return icon data for parsing in-game
  • Changed: value in D_METHOD for setLeaderboardDetailsMax() to match function
  • Changed: getDownloadedLeaderboardEntry() to use handle correctly
  • Fixed: delete used memory in getInstalledDepots()

Version 3.0.2

  • Added: more verbose response to steamInit(), now returns a dictionary
  • Added: missing initialization constants
  • Changed: steamInit() to give actual response on Steamworks status (from bool to int)
  • Fixed: currentAppID() not utilized correctly

Version 3.0.1

  • Added: MacOS C++ rule back in for compiling
  • Added: all missing Steam Utils functions (except deprecated or non-relevant functions)
  • Added: additional ENUMS for Steam Utils
  • Added: missing failure conditions for some Steam Utils functions
  • Changed: output for getFriendGamePlayed() to show game information even if no valid lobby
  • Changed: order of previous Steam Utils functions to be alphabetical with new ones
  • Changed: gamepad_text_input_dismissed callback
  • Fixed: lobby_message bug, thanks to Frostings

Version 3.0

  • Added: missing Matchmaking signals-callbacks
  • Added: missing User signals-callbacks
  • Added: missing Utility signals-callbacks
  • Added: join_requested, screenshot_requested callback
  • Changed: merged Godot 3.0.6 into Master branch
  • Changed: callback descriptions updated
  • Changed: organization of cpp and h files for better readability
  • Changed: signal lobby_message_received to lobby_message
  • Changed: server_connect and server_disconnected renamed to steam_server_connect and steam_server_disconnected respectively
  • Changed: leaderboard_loaded, leaderboard_uploaded, and leaderboard_entries_loaded renamed to leaderboard_find_result, leaderboard_score_uploaded, and leaderboard_scores_downloaded respectively
  • Changed: workshop_item_created, workshop_item_installed, and item_updated renamed to item_created, item_installed, and workshop_item_updated respectively
  • Changed: renamed workshop to UGC to match Steamworks
  • Fixed: addFavoriteGame() and getItemInstallInfo() functions
  • Removed: connection_changed signal

Version 2.8.5

  • Added: Networking functions, thanks to Antokolos
  • Changed: linked against Steamworks 1.44
  • Fixed: leaderboard_uploaded always returning false even when successful

Version 2.8.4

  • Added: persona_state_change callback
  • Added: additional user statistics and achievement signals
  • Added: join_game_requested signal, thanks to Fischer96
  • Changed: dictionary term 'ret' to 'success' in getImageRGBA() and getImageSize()
  • Changed: dictionary term 'buf' to 'buffer' in getImageRGBA()
  • Changed: getFriendAvatar() to getPlayerAvatar()
  • Changed: avatar_loaded now sends back Steam ID of avatar, thanks to avencherus
  • Fixed: lots of fixes, thanks to marcelofg55
  • Fixed: issue with avatar and Steam ID on Linux compile
  • Fixed: join_requested signal, thanks to Fischer96
  • Fixed: getImageRGBA()
  • Fixed: getDownloadedLeaderboardEntry() returning wrong SteamID, thanks to marcelofg55
  • Removed: drawAvatar()

Version 2.8.3

  • Added: additional user statistics and achievement signals
  • Changed: minor notations

Version 2.8.2

  • Fixed: Linux not compiling correctly with new Friends and Matchmaking updates
  • Fixed: various Friends functions not providing correct data

Version 2.8.1

  • Added: additional missing lobby signals
  • Fixed: various lobby functions due to incorrect Steam lobby ID
  • Fixed: some bind methods
  • Fixed: still using env
  • Fixed: location of core Godot includes

Version 2.8.0

  • Added: all remaining matchmaking functions
  • Added: all remaining friend functions
  • Changed: getRecentPlayers() to include timestamp
  • Changed: naming of leaderboard_handle and leaderboard_entries for consistency
  • Changed: getAchievement() to dictionary, thanks to jandrewlong
  • Fixed: invite functions giving incorrect steam ids
  • Fixed: getInstalledDepots(), getDLCDownloadProgress(), getItemUpdateProgress(), getSubscribedItems()
  • Removed: setGameInfo(), clearGameInfo(), inviteFriend()

Version 2.7.0

  • Added: getAchievementDisplayAttribute(), getAchievementName(), getAchievementIcon(), getImageRGBA(), and getImageSize(), thanks to marcelofg55
  • Added: all missing SteamApps functions
  • Changed: NULL statements for achievement functions
  • Changed: cleaned up and organized signal functions in godotteam.h
  • Fixed: issue with dictionary formatting in a function
  • Fixed: missing NULL statement
  • Fixed: issue with getAchievement failing to compile
  • Removed: hasOtherApp() function

Version 2.6.0

  • Added: getCurrentBetaName(), addScreenshotToLibrary(), and setLocation(), thanks to marcelofg55
  • Added: Steam controller functionality, thanks to marcelofg55
  • Added: more workshop functionality
  • Changed: various small maintenance

Version 2.5.0

  • Added: getFileNameAndSize(), getQuota(), getSyncPlatforms() functions
  • Changed: small corrections with Steam ID variable
  • Fixed: small things with getQuota()

Version 2.4.1

  • Added: getNumAchievements(), getAchievementAchievedPercent(), requestGlobalAchievementPercentages() functions
  • Added: related signals to new functions
  • Added: some notes
  • Fixed: leaderboard_update signal
  • Removed: deprecated function requestAppProofOfPurchaseKey()
  • Removed: related callback to requestAppProofOfPurchaseKey()
  • Removed: commented out deprecated functions

Version 2.4.0

  • Added: more Screenshot features
  • Added: notes for callback
  • Fixed: types in validate_auth_ticket_response

Version 2.3.0

  • Added: implemented Auth Session functions, thanks to marcelofg55

Version 2.2.1

  • Fixed: getFileTimestamp() and getSteamID() return types, thanks to marcelofg55

Version 2.2.0

  • Added: getNumberOfCurrentPlayers(), thanks to marcelofg55
  • Added: leaderboard_uploaded and number_of_current_players callbacks, thanks to marcelofg55

Version 2.1.1

  • Fixed: fileRead() and fileWrite(), thanks to marcelofg55

Version 2.1.0

  • Added: two more functions for Remote Storage
  • Changed: instances of int32 and int64 to int32_t and int64_t respectively; mostly for Linux compilation
  • Removed: -no-pie from SCsub; now suggested for Ubuntu 16.10 and higher

Version 2.0.0

  • Added: Remote Storage functionality for Steam Cloud, thanks to marcelofg55
  • Added: new functions to documentation
  • Changed: SCsub file to include "no-pie" fix for Ubuntu 16.10 and higher